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time for money

  1. Desolation Row

    Hello Forum, Sidewalk Architect here.

    Hello fellow Fastlaners, after silent reading for a few weeks, it’s finally time to introduce myself. My Name is Marcel and I'm from Austria. I'm 32 years old, am married, and have two children (a 3-year-old boy and a one-month-old girl.) I have recently finished my master's degree in...
  2. J

    Business idea in the disguise of a job?

    If anyone saw my introduction post, I have had a few online businesses in the past, the most profitable was a vape store just before in introduction of the TPD which was an enjoyable experience. My most recent business idea is a football coaching business, I have coaching qualification and...
  3. Jinnah1947

    VA to help you in your business (6 months of Amazon Seller Central experience)!

    Do you get so bogged down in day to day running of your business that you don't have the time to work on your business?? Instead of creating more strategic partnerships or launching new products, you spend most of your time answering emails? Instead of setting goals and making plans for the...
  4. Ismail941

    [Discussion] Sweat Equity [OR] Sweat Worth ?

    I saw this video in YouTube recently. It got me curious. LINK: He talks about: Sweat Equity: Deffered Wage Sweat Worth: True Time Worth (Extrinsic Value) Most People have this Mainstream Idea: Inflated Idea About The Value of Sweat We people make...
  5. B

    Reselling Hosting vs Promoting Affiliate Hosting Products

    Hello from Spain everybody! :) I was a sidewalk employee who lived paycheck to paycheck until quite recently. For about a year now I have been promoting as affiliate products and services of several hosting companies, which pay me large commissions ranging from 50 to 150 dollars per sale. Right...
  6. Galaxy16

    Highest paid employees?

    Who are the highest paid employees? I read somewhere that some jobs give €55000/$60000 monthly. Was that true? Something about finances or banking employees? Maybe vice presidents? Or pilot captains? Some jobs actually do not rely completely on time, but also partially on performance, but...
  7. rollerskates

    After 10 months here, I'm still slow lane....

    I am stuck, even after 10 months on this forum. TLDR: Do I revamp and fastlane my slow lane handmade widget business, or do I just do that for money while I execute some other fastlane ideas? The problems I struggle with: Problem #1: My handmade widget business is very slow right now. And...
  8. G

    The PTO Scam

    Time to vent. Here goes. As a member of a minority religion, I often feel the effects of the SCRIPT acutely when my community's religious holidays come around. Although I have what most would call a very good job, and I do enjoy many aspects of it, the trading time for money and liberty can get...
  9. RecoveringLawyer

    Lawyer who is FINISHED trading time for money!

    Hello all! I'm a 32 year old lawyer/lawyerpreneur/business owner who has been stuck in the "time-for-money" rut for a few years now, and I'm finally sick of it! @MJ DeMarco 's books have opened my eyes to this fallacy. I have realized the hard way that I can only make as much as the time in...