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  1. runnaboi

    The Power of Deep Thinking

    Hello all, I have mostly been a lurker on this forum and have been thinking about how I can provide some small amount of value back. For some background, I am in my 30s now, worked my butt off when young. Got married young and now have an awesome, happy little family. A few years after getting...
  2. M

    Building thoughts

    Hello! I am new here and am grateful to be a part of this community. I started meditating couple of years ago to calm my mind. In the beginning I used to forcibly push away my thoughts because my view on meditation was that of being in a state of bliss. As time went on I came to the realization...
  3. RayAndré

    Philosophy as a business

    Hey Fastlane fam, I’m throwing this out there to see what bites and if anything snags my attention. I realize I like to think a lot and figure things out. Like, a lot. And most recently I’ve been doing this with life and the human psyche. What kind of business can you start with philosophy...
  4. S

    Why am I here?

    I'm Sully. So, 25 years into life and 'this feeling' hasn't left me since my first job (age 16). That first job was in quality control for a spray painting factory and yes, it was as boring as it sounds. Literally, watching paint dry. 'This feeling' I'm referring to, is of course the same...
  5. Michael Greene

    Intentionally Changing Your Mindset

    hey guys, Has anyone here ever INTENTIONALLY changed their mindset? Like, realized they weren't thinking about things correctly, and set out to change the way they think. If so, howd you do it? Thanks
  6. jsk29

    Learning something new? Learn THIS first

    When learning a new skill, have you ever... Had trouble retaining information? Felt frustrated and lacked confidence due to knowledge gaps? Struggled with procrastination? There is one "meta-skill" which can mitigate all of these problems. What is this magical "meta-skill"? Well, for only...
  7. A

    Clearing your mind and gaining clarity - What do you do?

    Hey guys, Who here has some interesting methods of clearing your head and getting focused? I like to ride a bike at night through suburbs while I listen to binaural beats - you just get an awesome feeling of awe especially if it is a cool night. I also don't mind driving a car at night...
  8. A

    What is Education? ~ A Message from my Heart

    Why do we have to learn this? I asked and heard this question asked, numerous times throughout my childhood - but never was anyone who asked it, including myself, ever met with any other answer than, "getting a good job". As if that is what life is all about, as if that is the reason you spend...