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  1. Kaizen502

    Using a SBA Loan for Biz Acquisition

    I have been reading up on SBA loans for Business acquisitions and it looks very interesting since there are a lot of business that have a high enough monthly cash flow to cover the debt service and would qualify in terms of the Debt Service Coverage Ratio. I just couldn't get this answered and...
  2. eGrizzly

    Picking a NAICS Number

    What has been your experience with NAICS numbers? Have you easily found a fitting NAICS code for your business and how did you go about identifying it? I believe this number is required for you to file your business tax yearly if you have an LLC or Corporation. By the way, here is the summary...
  3. Scot

    Why 98% of businesses fail...

    So we've all heard that 98% of small business will fail in the first 5 years. Hopeful entrepreneurs will look at that statistic one of two ways.. either as a challenge or as a reason not to pursue a business. But what if I told you that number was bullshit? This chart from the SBA shows...
  4. Z

    Can you get a SBA business loan for a startup?

    Is it possible to get a SBA loan for a startup for $30,000? If so, Would it require collateral? I have good credit, but have no other option to fund my startup and don't want to max my credit card incase of an emergency. My startup is a food product that I want to launch. If you have...