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  1. MaxT

    Promote a book with Amazon Ads

    Hello, I launched an Amazon Ads (ad) 5 days ago. The expenses are increasing little by little but I haven't recorded any sales yet, the book is good and is selling very well here in France so I don't think it comes from there... Attached you will find the various statistics in photo. I know that...
  2. MaxT

    Promote iOS and Android apps

    Hello, I have the idea of promoting my apps by creating a blog, the problem is that I don't know what is best for SEO. For my company I already have a site with a blog that talks about the 4 applications, should I continue by creating articles on this blog? Or would it be better to create a...
  3. MaxT

    Titles that attract like magnets!

    Hello everyone, I am looking to improve my knowledge in marketing in order to better promote my various projects. I try to be more impactful in my future publications on the networks: YouTube, Facebook etc. I recently learned something cool that worked for me is slipping in words like: How? 'Or'...
  4. MaxT

    Promote an android / ios application

    Hello everyone, how are you? I hope that there are developers here who want to join the fastlane, that's my case, and if there are others (or not) I would like to know if you had any particular techniques to promote more your application. Did you read any particular books? Followed a training...
  5. Tiisetso Maloma

    Book Selfie icon for promoting books

    Sup guys – howzt!! If you are an author or contemplating on releasing a book, like me, you are forever brainstorming ways of marketing your book. A while ago, a way to further market books hit me. The idea was to create an icon which asks or encourages people to take selfies with my books and...