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  1. CanadianTrucker

    The value of a business partner

    I have found tremendous value in having a business partner. It has to the RIGHT business partner. What value can the right business partner bring? TRUST Lifelong built trust, If my partner tells me something i never second guess whether its the truth. It goes both ways, when i got him to...
  2. Ksalazar

    Best networking events in the country for programming professionals?

    Hello everyone I live in New England and have a fast lane idea to help the masses(Small businesses) and the average consumer. By simplifying an overlooked industry I know this idea can help customers and businesses alike. This of course would be an app I am looking to create. I am ok with...
  3. M

    Investor ready for business partnersship

    Background on myself (who I am, why am looking to invest, etc) I am a retired government worker from Cameroon and I am looking for good opportunities to invest in, I have worked for 46 years with my government and now I am looking to start up personal business my LinkedIn account is Mustapha...
  4. MitchM

    Deciding how to split equity amongst co-founders.

    Hey there, so a close friend and I have decided to start a website together and the project is quite ambitious. Right now we are trying to get funding and decided that right now would be a good time to figure out the equity split. He came up with the idea and nurtured it for a few weeks before...