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  1. G

    My F@#k This Moment(s).

    So tomorrow is one my close family members funeral. And so I work currently for a contract i.t. position. And I just found out today that I DO NOT have PTO for a funeral in my family. So basically I gotta work not just because of that but because I have to save money for an apartment I'm moving...
  2. G

    Living slowlane, dreaming Fastlane.

    Hello. You can call me Ale, here. I'm 23 ,engaged, and getting an apartment soon. Like next month soon. We already have the lease. Me and my fiance make together 1,100 roughly a week. We can afford the apartment. And it'll be our first place! Very excited! Getting married in less than 6 months...
  3. juggler619

    That’s how a superhero learns to fly

    Dedicated to all those grinding on weekends,where maybe your roommate,friends & colleagues are out parting and getting drunk, may be everyone's given up on you. Whilst you are in the "PROCESS" of building value voucher,hustling, no giving up,learning from failures,acting-> learning-> adjusting ...
  4. H

    The HMNZ Project

    Hey guys, I've started a new project called 'HMNZ: humanize. life' where I humanize the world's most successful people by diving into their lives and looking into their setbacks en route to their success. This is all in an effort to make the rest of us realize that we too can achieve our...