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  1. T

    This book pays you to read it!

    Hi all, Every self-improvement guru and his door mat tells you to read 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' by 'Dale Carnegie', so I'm sure most of you have heard of or read it before. And if you don't apply to either, now you do. I'm only halfway through and I can tell you all now it's...
  2. V8Bill

    Sold my $30,000 p/mth website for $650k - My "near wealth experience" taught me this--> [MP3]

    So, back in 2004 I decided to do whatever it took to get myself to a 3 day wealth education seminar being held in Fiji. The tickets cost $2,000 plus I had to fly there and pay for my room (Sheraton) so I had to raise about $4,000. I was broke, I'd just lost my job in IT and I had no idea how I...