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  1. LifeisSuffering

    Law and Tax Book

    Hello Since I will start my company soon Do you have any resources about Law and Tax in Business, a book, or a helpful forum. Just to know when I hire accounts and lawyers.
  2. G

    G. Wellthy; trying to prioritize self and family as a tax-lawyer turned entrepreneur

    Hi everyone, my real name is Adam Hoffman, I was a full-time tax lawyer for quite awhile. I helped Canadian entrepreneurs save taxes and plan their estates. I didn't ever seem to be a client's "Trusted Advisor" and found it painful to save clients lots of money, but they wouldn't call me for...
  3. Lwyrd

    Marketing for distance education

    Hi! For the past few months (since before I started reading TMF) I've been working on a distance education business model. I was invited by the board of a non-profit education association to be one of 4 course coordinators for a graduate distance legal education course. I can see this as a...
  4. mgrowan

    Should I have a lawyer go over a Heads of Agreement?

    I've got a Heads of Agreement I am working on with a new partner. They will license my software for use. Should I get a lawyer to draft a more rigorous contract that will take time and money to do, or just go for it with the terms we have drafted? I host and run the software as a Saas product...
  5. G

    Having A Lawyer on Hand

    I was told that it is best to have a lawyer you can call, one you have an established relationship with, so whenever you need one, you have one ready to go. If you wait until you need one to start a search for one, you will choose in haste, and it could be a very expensive mistake. So how does...