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intermittent fasting

  1. MTF

    Fastlane Fasting Friends

    There are a lot of people on the forum interested in intermittent fasting as one of the top threads in this subforum shows. I decided to start a new thread for those who are interested in exploring longer fasting, beyond the usual 16/8 (16 hours fasting, 8-hour window of eating) or 20/4 (20...
  2. Manchild_Unbound

    Leangains and Kinobody: A case study of two fitness gurus

    I want to create this thread to analyze the popular online fitness brands Leangains and Kinobody. These brands are inseparable from their creators/owners Greg O Gallagher and Martin Berkhan so the brand names and names of the owners will be used interchangeably from here on in. Martin Berkhan...
  3. million$$$smile

    Is Anyone Else Intermittent Fasting?

    I have been fasting intermittently for awhile now with great results. I basically fast 5:2 and really feel great right for the new couple of days. Also have lost about 20lbs in the last couple of months since I've started it though that isn't really the main goal I had in mind. I just...