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growing a service business

  1. A

    After success - Need people

    All, I am finally getting results and success in IT staffing along with my own IT Consulting(I am an IT person). So far I have not hired anyone full-time and got lucky in finding good freelancers (after a struggle /trials/after a lot of time) as Recruiters. There are lots of other tasks like...
  2. N

    Need advice regarding company structure

    Context: the mother of my boyfriend (Ms. X) dreamed of having her own art gallery, which she founded. She’s a good curator but she was barely selling anything and the management of the gallery was terrible until I stepped in (I have a background in Communications and Marketing + experience...
  3. K

    Update. Learning to code while scaling my window-cleaning business

    Just a selfish post, nothing exciting to read. - Hope ur all doing fine all things considered. I'm still alive. Still learning. Started learning ROR, but saw the demand for python and have now been learning that for a while. I wrote some simple programs that helps my business (they are...
  4. Hurley32533

    Advice on a business acquisition and future development

    Fastlaners, I'm currently in the due diligence stage of purchasing a parking lot company here in Florida. The purpose of creating this thread is to chronicle the journey along with all successes and failures. In the spirit of full disclosure please forgive my horrible spelling and punctuation...
  5. DanDaily76

    3 Powerful Ways to Recognize an Opportunity

    If you want to be a successful entrepreneur one of the things that you’re going to have to do is be able to recognize opportunity when it knocks. An opportunity to fill a much needed gap in the market or to change your business to take advantage of a trend could mean the difference between a...
  6. Daniel Budai

    Best ways to find first marketing agency clients?

    Hi everyone, I really know this topic is overtalked, however, I'd like to ask for the help of experienced business owners in this. I'm starting my content marketing agency now ( > my apologies if it's not allowed to share this here) and want to get my first clients (my first...
  7. Andy Black

    AndyTalks with @srtricky about "Give them what they want. Sell them what they need."

    AndyTalks with @srtricky about "Give them what they want. Sell them what they need." Growing a Done-For-You Service by Giving Away Free Content. Ricky PM'd me asking to be coached in Lead Generation. I said I provided a done-for-you service and don't do coaching. Ricky wouldn't take no for...