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fresh start

  1. NervesOfSteel

    What problem should I solve? - A paradoxical question!

    I often find people discussing about 2 popular questions on this forum! “What problem do I solve?” “What value can I provide?” Though I firmly believe that none of the products can survive the market without providing value / solving a problem of the user, these two questions are poor...
  2. S

    M34. I want to restart my life from scratch. Where do I begin?

    Long story short: I've been financially exploited for years by my family and I want out. Here's what I have in my hands right now: A 10 year old gaming blog with around 1200 blog posts. Hardly gets updated now, but does have decent backlinks. Used to get 2500 hits a day during prime days. Now...
  3. jonahsr

    At the beginning of the road

    Hello from sunny Portugal! I'm Jonah, 18 years old & joined the forum to get some more practical insights into entrepreneurship & learn from all of you. I've started/tried many different businesses in the past since I was 12 or so, but nothing ever took off. Began developing an app until I...
  4. CPisHere

    A chance to start fresh/move...

    I own a brick & mortar retail business + local service business in Louisiana. The future for Louisiana does not look bright. I'm preparing to sell the businesses + my house & move somewhere that's growing with lots of opportunities, and doing something different (with Fastlane potential). As...