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feedback loop

  1. humthesongg

    I trained an AI GPT model (Request for feedback) Opportunity cost Flight analyst

    Hey everyone, Not too long ago, I had an idea for a flight analysis widget aimed at changing the way people compare their travel through Google Flights. Instead of merely considering the price, this widget would delve deeper into the concept of "opportunity cost" by factoring in the value of...
  2. MJ DeMarco

    The Feedback Loop: How to fire your PASSION and MOTIVATION

    I don't discuss this in The Millionaire Fastlane, but I do in Unscripted. It's the concept of the FEEDBACK LOOP and how it generates passion and motivation. Passion tends to FOLLOW, not LEAD. While you can be passionate about projects and goals, ultimately the FEEDBACK LOOP is what keeps that...
  3. tpjay

    To Pivot or Not to Pivot?

    Hello enlightened entrepreneurs, I am having a problem. I do not know when I should pivot or keep going with the business. Shutting down is not an option at this point because I don't want to give up since I know this will be a long and hard journey to bring value to people. I have begun to...
  4. Y

    Doing what you love? Or just catch needs?

    Hi community! After reading the book "The Fastlane Millionaire", I'm trying to catch ideas from the needs of the people I meet. Last week I heard someone telling a "why is it this way?" and an idea came to me. The point is, the idea is about creating a mobile app to help solving the problem (I...