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Welcome to the only entrepreneur forum dedicated to building life-changing wealth.

Build a Fastlane business. Earn real financial freedom. Live your best life.

Tired of paying for dead communities hosted by absent gurus who don't have time for you?

Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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fastlane dreams

  1. R

    My introduction

    Hello Fastlaners! It is nice to be here with you. I'd like to tell you about my story this far and what I plan to do now. Hope you don't mind if it's long, details seem to have their own flow as you write. First: I'm male, about 34 years old from a European country, but not one in which you...
  2. Wesley Nugent

    25yo at a fork in the road and looking for some outside input/perspectives. Risk it for the biscuit or increase my business management skills?

    Hello Fellow Fastlaners, I have recently come in to fork in the road in my career/Fastlane journey. I have been presented the opportunity to manage a startup business my mentor has built over the last 3 years. It comes at a time when I have been working diligently to get my small business up...
  3. N

    Im a 14 year old aspiring entrepeneur but I need help

    Hi, My name is Nicolas, i was born in Spain, I am 14 years old, I read Unscripted when I was 12 years old, The Great Rat Race Scape when I was 13, I read each one of them for at least 5 times. I always knew something was wrong with people and I always felt different from all my friends that...
  4. Stu Shark

    I’m out of money. What lever do I pull?

    Hello Fastlane family, I hope each and everyone of you is striving to achieve your dreams and succeeding in that endeavor. It’s a long story but to keep it brief, I read the books over two years ago and have been working on my Fastlane business on the side since then. I was laid off from my...
  5. Danny_Cox

    Lifelong Drummer; Went Deep On Mindfulness; Now Ready For The Fastlane (With An Idea For On-Ramp)

    Hello Fastlaners! Great to be here. INTRO I'm Dan, 35/M, UK. I hard rejected the Slowlane in my youth, but had no idea the Fastlane was an option. Mum's a Sidewalker but doesn't know it; Dad's a Slowlaner and very proud about it. Other adults in my life were totally clueless. Money has always...
  6. KushShah9492

    Ideas for a marketing business

    I have a 3-4 year experience in the field of marketing and sales, with additional skills involving closing a deal, lead generation, cold-calling, building a sales funnel, etc. Can I start a business in any of the given field? Any other ideas to start a business in the marketing field?
  7. oku

    I never thought I'd find a community until now.

    Entrepreneurship for me is quite lonely at times. I had always been hesitant to trust new people and most times remain independent. (Like if you're anti-social). I had always wanted to have a group of friends that were also entrepreneurs, that shared the same interests. I had a business partner...
  8. Ritalin

    Graduating M.D. With A Slow Lane On The Horizon

    Hey all, I've been lurking on this forum for a couple of months since I read Unscripted. Loved it. Loved it so much that I am for sure not ending up in my otherwise-to-be slowlane job... being a medical doctor. Who am I: 25 yo Belgian Graduating as an MD in July 2019. Would love to work as a...
  9. S

    New to the Forum and ready to hit the road of entrepreneurship

    Hello successful (or soon to be) Entrepreneurs ! I'm happy to join the Forum and looking forward to interact with you. I have a few business ideas in mind and after reading the Fastlane book I think I have a good sense of the immediate actions to take to convert these ideas to business...
  10. G

    Living slowlane, dreaming Fastlane.

    Hello. You can call me Ale, here. I'm 23 ,engaged, and getting an apartment soon. Like next month soon. We already have the lease. Me and my fiance make together 1,100 roughly a week. We can afford the apartment. And it'll be our first place! Very excited! Getting married in less than 6 months...
  11. bizguy4life

    Fastlane Exit ??? What do I do???

    Hello everyone, I am looking of some opinions and advice from those of you who have successfully fast-laned.. First and foremost MJ your book is amazing and it was a very enjoyable read... I am 48 this year and I run a successful business in the service industry which generates close to 3...
  12. visiomari

    Recent College grad, how Fastlane changed my life, and why I won't stop until I get there.

    Hi Everyone, I decided to come out of lurking mode and introduce myself! I am a 23 year old woman and I just graduated college in the U.S (business degree). I am a huge reader/business and self-improvement junkie, so naturally, I stumbled upon The Millionaire Fastlane on Reddit. I got the...