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credit card

  1. swagdowdle

    how can i get paid without a credit card

    i am currently 16 from a 3rd world country where there are lots of regulations on credit cards and international bank transfers , and currently i have no way of paying for services or getting paid and im seeking for help
  2. J

    Credit card for a minor

    I have a problem, I am 16 years old and an entrepeneur from the Netherlands. For a lot operations in my business I work with companies that only accept credit card payments. But because I'am under-age, I am unable to get a credit card on my name. I have been using my dad's credit card, however...
  3. Lucky Lu

    Credit Card Online Payment Service

    Hi guys. I need some input from you experts on these online matters. I need to install a payment platform for a client in order for his customers be able to pay online using credit cards for services provided internationally. The LLC is based in the US, they are going to commercialize for their...
  4. EvanOkanagan

    Are you a “deadbeat”?

    Deadbeat is a slang term for a credit card user who pays off his or her balance in full and on time every month, thus avoiding the need to pay off interest that would have accrued on their accounts. Disclaimer: This will not help you move you to the “Fastlane”. However, it could be one of...
  5. L

    Just maxed out personal credit card on business expenses

    Hi guys so I'm building app I'm developer myself but I had to spend a few thousand dollars on freelancers using my credit card I'm currently unemployed and living on the money from my last business venture and honestly I'm a bit worried about my spendings. I have the money to payout my credit...
  6. RazorCut

    I'm 29 Years Old With Nearly $1,000,000 In Debt!

    HOW THE F$*& CAN SOMEONE SO SMART BE SO STUPID! :wideyed::wideyed::wideyed: This is slowlane mentality taken to extreme. This is what happens when huge student loans numb you into thinking that debt doesn't really matter, until it escalates to a point where you come out of your cosy coma and...
  7. Nicoknowsbest

    Are you protecting yourself online?

    I have been using LinkedIn for the last two months as a lead gen tool and one day, I stumbled upon a paid service. It offered to automate lead gen for you on LinkedIn by helping you define and find your ideal customers, engage with them and send out human inspired personal messages. While I...