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barrier to entry

  1. Maxkaz

    How to evaluate entry barriers?

    Good day everyone! On a recent inventors’ meetup here on the forum someone suggested “Invent with me” podcast, which happened to be a big hit for me. Two guys are describing their inventions and stages they went through. The question I (as a solder-stage inventor) came to is this - how does...
  2. P

    how to grow affiliate marketing ?

    i had started doing affilate marketing from 15 days i havent seen any result ..i need help how it will work
  3. Jonathan S.Diaz

    Making decisions about online markets

    I'm a fastlane newbie with experience in software development and have been thinking about building my own brand. However, this motivation has come from a software developer with a brand promoting the same lifestyle to thousands of other software developers. (Not sure if a guru or...) Now the...
  4. K

    is Coding/Programming considered a barrier to entry?

    Hi guys, I've literally just finished reading MJ's book and i'm still coming to terms with some of the concepts and changing my state of mind. It's actually been quite a shift mentally for me. Anyway, I have some computer/technical background and can code at probably an intermediate level in a...