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asian parents

  1. SnowLava

    My parents don't allow me to start my side hustle - What would you do if you were in my situation?

    Here's the full context I live with my parents in India. I am 15, in 10th grade. In my recent progress thread an user told me about starting to cold call small businesses, and offering them to make their website (that was my goal, but I was kind of procrastinating by saying 'I would do it after...
  2. General JB2006

    Parents bullying me just because I am not picking their suggestion

    The title may seem harsh but listen for a sec, As all asian parents are especially filipino parents where school + good grades + good job = good life is the formula, I am now feeling the backlash They say "We are here to guide you" instead of "guiding" they are PUSHING me into a direction...
  3. Diego Liu

    SO WHAT if your daddy doesn't believe in your dreams!?

    *** 4 years ago, as I was a high school senior *** Dad: Doctors earn a lot of money, command respect, and save people's lives. It's the best career out there. Me: But I don't want to become a doctor! I like math and want to become an engineer, Dad. Dad: Silly you. You'll just become a cog in...