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  1. raywhite

    Hello! Nice to meet you (designer/artist/money enthusiast)

    Hi, I’m an art director and graphic designer living in Nashville, TN. I have already learned so much from the Millionaire Fastlane (I’m halfway through) that I figured I should join the forum. Just curious, are there any fellow designers or artists out there? Would love to hear what you’re...
  2. A

    Young, bilingual, graduate of fine arts, living in a third-world country and with a huge hunger of change!

    Hi, I'm a 22 year old guy living in South America (before, in Europe for 8 years only). I already finished the book Fastlane and changed my plans of what I am going to do in the next 5 years, well, it makes me doubt. My first plan was to create content: Educational videos, self-improvement...
  3. P

    Struggling introverted art photographer looking to start making money.

    Hi Fastlane Forum, I'm an art photographer: I create photographs to sell through galleries as artwork and I also photograph artwork in high-resolution so that artists can make high-quality prints of their paintings. I've allowed myself to struggle for the past four years, misplacing my time...
  4. Nick Moody

    Building a thriving art business

    Hi everyone! I’m Nick and I’m very happy to have joined this forum now. I’ve read TMF and UNSCRIPTED about two years ago during a time I should have been happiest, but was miserable and desperately looking for a change instead. I’m starting to make things happen now finally. I’ve been lurking...
  5. Kailas Joshi

    Events and Media

    Hi people! I've recently ventured into Events and Media. I'd like a few tips/books/connections that could help me do things better than what I currently am doing. I have an up and running ''start up" which is currently catering to a considerable amount of clientele for a start up in my city. We...
  6. D

    Building an Artist's empire

    Here I am, ready to rumble. First, a quick overview of who I am. - Italian, but lived and traveled in various countries. - Bilingual Ita/Eng with some knowledge of other European languages. - Writer, mostly fiction. - Digital artist, book cover designer. - Early thirties. - Currently living in...
  7. Nikorasu

    Artists journey [Nicholas Cato]

    So this is my progress thread. I’m about more than half way through millionaire fastlane and so far I’ve learned a lot and I’m ready to get to work. I’m a freelance artist who grew tired of the freelance race to the bottom. I would see tons of talented artists working for pennies who would...
  8. Nikorasu

    Illustrator with Porsche dreams

    So to get right into it I’m a 25 years old artist currently living with my parents working two part time jobs and im still broke... I’ve always had a skill for art + entrepreneurship. As a kid I would make comics/zines then try to sell them to my friends and family. I guess you could say I...
  9. jdcorwin

    Am I in the right business? Perspective from an Artist

    I recently finished reading The Millionaire Fastlane and it confirmed prior thoughts I had toward my business. First of all, The Millionaire Fastlane is an incredible book! I have read dozens of other financial/self-help book and they come no where near the content delivered in The Millionaire...
  10. Juhan Rodrik

    Hello Everyone ! :)

    I am Juhan Rodrik - I have not used a forum before so I figured that would good one to start :) Introducing my self I am the worst possible person for a dayjob I do not get along with the concept of it so I am doing and figuring out odd jobs here there. I am interested in many things too I...