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  • Hello everyone in this group. I have finally developed my first site and would like honest feedback on it. So if you are kind enough to spare a few minutes do check it out

    Thankyou in advace.
    Sega Saph
    Sega Saph
    Looks a little bit old fasioned but good. Obviously better then nothing! Wish you a good luck to creat your second website! Just try wordpress! Cheers!
    • Thank You
    Reactions: TZA

    looks usable. the home page doesn't look like a jewelry site, but not a big deal. One tactical thing that struck me is when I mouse over a ring, the "VIEW" popup appears and for most products completely obscures the product. I would position that below or above the product so it doesn't obscure the product.
    • Wow
    Reactions: TZA
    Thankyou for your kind feeback!
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