Recent content by being.simon

  1. being.simon

    How many reviews until I start showing up on Fiverr?

    Guys, I'm trying to start a side business selling Art on Fiverr. I have no feeling for how long I will need to get traffic onto my offer from other sources, and gather reviews from outside until I show up in search results. My gig has been up for a week with one 5 star review, but no actual...
  2. being.simon

    21 Years Old , $7K + Cashflow Business - How I kicked my a$$ into gear after years of action faking

    Thanks for the great thread. I didn't really understand what you actually ended up doing though, for these companies. Video editing? Marketing? A mix of both?
  3. being.simon

    'Parasite' won the Oscar for "Best Picture." I couldn't be more disgusted.

    @Rabby Too bad aforementioned people don’t seem very enlightened Too bad it wasn’t even his own opinion but a misinformed article stated as fact ‍:/
  4. being.simon

    'Parasite' won the Oscar for "Best Picture." I couldn't be more disgusted.

    I wonder if youve even seen the movie because you’ve utterly misread it. Actually the rich are shown as quite nice people and the poor as quite scummy. And then there’s a third party you didn’t even mention that is shown to be the actual parasite, although the whole point of the movie is...
  5. being.simon

    What is the BEST "value" you ever paid for?

    Have you actually tried AirPods or are you talking out your a$$? I highly highly highly doubt 30$ earpods are better than 200$ ones.
  6. being.simon

    2020 Web design + School Progress Thread

    Still struggling with finding a consistent prospecting method that works for me. I've been working down business registries sending short personalized emails offering critique on the business websites AND offering a completely free home page for them to see. No one has replied.
  7. being.simon

    Is there a business registry that allows you to find newly registered businesses?

    Maybe Einzelgewerbe like me and I assume you don't count.
  8. being.simon

    Is there a business registry that allows you to find newly registered businesses?

    I suppose US library access requires US citizenship so that's a nogo for me.
  9. being.simon

    Is there a business registry that allows you to find newly registered businesses?

    Damn. Well, of course I'm not the first one to have thought of it. I'm gonna consider other options.
  10. being.simon

    Is there a business registry that allows you to find newly registered businesses? Here. You can sort "Neueintragungen" (new entries) or even enter specific dates for registry. If I could have this for an english country, that would be great.
  11. being.simon

    Is there a business registry that allows you to find newly registered businesses?

    Kind of like sorting by "new" so to speak. Or registered in a certain timeframe. I found one for Germany, but no luck with international or american so far.
  12. being.simon

    Uncommon books that you'd recommend?

    The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand A story on masculinity, integrity, purpose.

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