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pet business

  1. AlexanderFRG

    Unsure if i should ditch my business

    Hello guys! In short: I'm located in germany and started a physical products brand focused at Dachshund owners. My first product is called DorsusProtect. Dachshunds are because of their anatomy very prone to backpain, and the ingredients of DorsusProtect can avoid this medical issue in most...
  2. door123

    Can this Pet E-commerce brand work? or is it Doomed for Failure From the Start?

    Is this reality check or am I facing the dessert of desertion? Here's the Back story: The product: pet consumable, customer would replenish about every 2 months. I saw found this pet product in Asia last month, thought it solved a real need. I only found a 3 sellers selling this product on...
  3. Trevor Kuntz

    Dog gives man new life, man gives dog $500,000 house

    What this isn't: more Rich Kids of Instagram bullsh*t What this is: a man who just wanted to give his dog the love he never had and ended up building a successful business as a result of it View: