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look at the process not the result

  1. Hartrun

    CHAPTER II | Future Millionaire Currently Working As A Dishwasher In Manhattan

    CHAPTER II: IT'S ALIVE!!! Burying my head in the sand isn't an option anymore. Part I: April's Highlights I hope everybody is having a fantastic day or night. As you might already know, April was the last month of tax season, so I filed them on April 18th, literally the last day to do so. To...
  2. B

    Why Ferraris Keep People Poor

    I wish I had seen this video years ago, it would have saved me a great deal of frustration. Maybe it will save you that frustration too? (This is for newbies. Well newbie me would have benefitted from this) edit: Before you make an assumption and a stupid comment based on the title, watch...