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generation z

  1. Ronnie Bryan

    Generation Z Apocalypse: is it coming? The Fear is Here.

    I want to discuss the probability that our businesses and leadership may fall into the hands of college-aged students. What does this mean for innovation and future work? How will this shape and change our global economy? Is this something we should even concern ourselves with? Share your...
  2. K1 Lambo

    Why are people so lazy nowadays? Is it a generation thing?

    I'm probably not the best guy to give you guys a perspective on this topic since I was born at the end of 1999 and I'm still quite young, but I see so many guys who are from my generation and up who are just lazy and don't want to accomplish anything. Or do "shit" if that makes sense. But I...
  3. 100ToOne

    'Deaths of despair' soaring among Gen Z & millennials: 'It's the economy, stupid'

    What are your thoughts on this?