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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. LeanMindz

    Just curious has anyone used the Canada Digital Adoption Plan Grant?

    Boost Your Business Technology Grant Get up to $15,000 to boost your business technology Looking to increase productivity? Need to consolidate your back office software? Need better cybersecurity tools? With a plan tailored to your business, we can help with your digital transformation. The...
  2. S

    I'm young, inexperienced and got offered a big opportunity, how do I not mess it up?

    My friend and I have taken part in a high school competition for business plans. The first of its kind to this scale in my country. Real investors, CEOs, Businessmen and whatnot of big brands (both national and international) were the ones to judge us on our ideas, results, business plans, ideas...
  3. Dmusic

    Out of date

    Out of date.