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financial education

  1. Daniel A

    Khan Academy Financial Literacy Course (Newly Launched Free Education)

    CHAT "You will learn about: How interest rates work Tax brackets, deductions, credits, and how to fill out all those forms How credit scores affect your ability to borrow money The best strategies for reducing debt Creating a...
  2. G

    Would you go to Harvard Business School For Free?

    See title. Also, swap in whatever [X] elite business school (or even include law school, since lots of powerful people, including entrepreneurs and major investors, seem to have studied law). Why would you take that opportunity, or why would you decline it? What might change your decision...
  3. lollo

    Where do we invest while building our business?

    Hi, I just finished Unscripted and The Millionaire Fastlane and I definitely want to change my lifestyle, financially and personally. Mj, in chapter 44 of Unscripted, says that after our 1) business expenses 2) primary expenses and 3) debit expenses, we should focus on saving our income and put...
  4. VictorOlivier

    Opinion: The intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham

    Hello, Has anyone read "The intelligent investor" by Benjamin Graham? Would you recommend the book?
  5. R

    How does Kiyosaki (Rich Dad) reduce personal income tax liability to zero?

    I have been watching Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad videos on Youtube. Straight up I want to say that I don't particularly subscribe to the stuff he says (I agree with some of the general concepts about getting a financial education, understanding legal tax efficiency steps, and motivational aspects...