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  1. Process

    How To More Clearly Communicate With My Team?

    This is the first time I have people who work for me. It is the next step in my evolution. They are from a country everyone learns English as a second language in school. There is a slight barrier, since they take figures of speech literally. The solutions I've found through trial and error...
  2. Lud3ns

    Do you delegate your digital marketing?

    Hey, best time to you. It became interesting — what experience do you have with delegating digital marketing and what do you fill about it? For example, what benefits and minuses do you see here?
  3. Rabby

    Your ticket to unlimited vacation and no stress!

    The c l i c k b a i t is TRUE. Hear me out... The "ticket" to the promise made in the title, once you have an actual business in place, is... CONTROLS But don't worry, because CONTROLS can help you turn whatever it is you have into a business, if it's not already. I could do a whole thread on...
  4. TopDirective

    Stuck in Loop (Can't Affort Delegation --> Overwhelmed to Earn More)

    Dear fastlaners, Top here, Sure you know it - I am stuck in this infamous loop 1. I do not have money to hire anyone --> doing everything by myself. 2. To make more money, I need to start a new project, however old businesses make money to pay my essentials living costs so I cannot cut them...