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day trading

  1. T

    What market to focus on in Wholesaling Real Estate?

    Hello everyone, Im 22 and currently active duty stationed in a small town kinda in the middle of nowhere. Im a complete beginner and was having trouble finding leads consistently in my area. The closest big city is the Dallas / Fort Worth area 2 hours away, should I focus on that market even...
  2. smoove001

    My Forex Journey

    Hi Everyone, I'm creating this thread to keep my self accountable, I'll be posting all my trades and results starting from today. I've been trading for almost a year and a half now with no success but didn't put any serious money or time into it as I was busy with other business endeavours ...
  3. A

    The Journey has began.

    I'm a member of this forum for almost 3 months now, it's time for me to share for the sake of accountability. Goals, gotta have them, right? I wan't to be free and out poverty, way out of it. I want to be free to pursue a music carrer (passion) and to live without constently being limited and...