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  1. REV5028

    Are you an author/writer?

    Happy New Year, All! I'm working on writing a non-fiction book. I feel fairly confident in the content research and writing aspects, but I have some questions more on the business/legal/publishing side of things. I would immensely appreciate any insight/guidance you'd be willing to provide...
  2. Gregory Diehl

    Nonfiction writing/publishing expert seeking YouTube expert for knowledge exchange

    I'm looking for someone who knows YouTube and wants to write and/or publish a book to do an expertise exchange with me. I learn best with comprehensive overviews of how something works, and I've been disappointed with every book I've read or video I've watched about how YouTube works. So I want...
  3. trylks

    Books, productocracy, and the creator economy

    Lately, the "creator economy" is "blooming", I mean: there is a handful of services to allow you to upload a PDF and get paid for people downloading it. I want to share my opinion about it because I would like you to correct me in whatever I am wrong, perhaps not too much: This approach to...
  4. G

    Expanding from Children's to YA Fiction

    Hello Everybody, I've posted on the Fastlane Forum before about my novel-writing/self-publishing business. I've been aiming to do it the smart way, taking courses offered by people who have already succeeded, getting advice from podcasters (Joanna Penn, Mark Dawson, Chandler Bolt, and others)...
  5. MitchM

    How to write a book in three weeks! + My experience

    Recently I decided that I wanted to start writing and my research led me to a video which has been extremely beneficial in streamlining the process: View: I'm going to leave a detailed summary of the video at the bottom, but I HIGHLY recommend that...