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  1. K

    Accountability partner/mastermind?

    Anyone looking for an accountability partner to kill it in 2021? I am. DM me if you're interested. We can hop on a call and decide if it makes sense for us to work together. Concept: Meet virtually several times a month (zoom + slack?), to share goals, progress, and challenges. I want to...
  2. RazorCut

    Aspiring to become a Digital Nomad?

    I recently watched this film that focused on several digital nomads. View: A lot of it was about the stereotypical nomad working in Asia or Eastern Europe, spending their time doing lower paid gigs to sustain them in their cheap rooms and low cost...
  3. Overdrive

    Doing business with Chinese vendors? Seeking your feedback!

    Hi Fastlaners! I originally posted this in another thread, but it was considered off-topic (newbie mistake). So here's my own thread: I'm looking for potential pain points and unmet needs, especially of people who purchase from Chinese vendors or otherwise have business dealings with Chinese...
  4. DavidJLeys

    Gooooood Morning, Vietnam - Tales from the sidewalk

    Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered... through all the crazy adventures, and extraordinary memories, how did I wind up here? I was going to post the typical useless intro message, but then the prompt from the getting the most out of fastlane thread made me see just how dumb that...