Recent content by InLikeFlint

  1. InLikeFlint

    Brokering Fuel Supply Contracts

    Hey what’s up ladies & gents! It’s been a minute or two since I’ve posted on the forum – I took a pretty long break to work on myself and re-establishing my focus on the things that are most important to me in life. While this forum is a great tool, it can often be distracting. Off topic, but...
  2. InLikeFlint

    Pro Bodybuilder working for free

    I did a Keto diet for 2 months this summer during my shred and dropped to an insanely low BF% - It was amazing! Took a couple months off of shredding and just did what most would consider a 'lean bulk' now I'm back to a shred but I'm doing a pseudo Keto diet mixed with carb cycling. Even if...
  3. InLikeFlint

    The "Inside Out" Technique - Getting Started!

    Couldn't agree more. It's a true test of whether your product/service will stand on its own when you decide to actually bring it to market - If you are having trouble getting people interested in your product or service, go back to the drawing board. What you may find is that your solution is...
  4. InLikeFlint

    Lex DeVille's: How to Make $1,000 a Week with no Degree, no Feedback, & no Portfolio.

    Great story, congrats @SinisterLex on your success! Toss out applications through oDesk, Elance and Guru you have the potential to bring in more clients on a weekly basis (time constraints now come into effect) but you could essentially pick and choose from the projects you were selected for at...
  5. InLikeFlint

    What Is The Official Terminology Called? (How to Learn Anything!)

    What's it called when you sip a hot coffee prematurely or suck on too many sour candies and your tongue gets a rough "scratch" on it and you lose your taste for a short period of time?
  6. InLikeFlint

    College helped me socialize.

    It has helped me to realize how unique of a mindset and personality I have and to understand the importance of making the most of the opportunities presented to me and to make the most of each day. "Please think about your legacy, because you're writing it everyday" - Gary Vaynerchuck
  7. InLikeFlint

    The "Inside Out" Technique - Getting Started!

    Thanks for reposting this - glad that it can serve as a tool for members who missed it the first time around. I've come back to this a few times since writing it and I re read it each time and the process still seems to stand true! Glad it was beneficial to you! Just happy I could help!
  8. InLikeFlint

    My Guide: The Top 150 Best Books For Men – What Successful Businessmen And Entrepreneurs Read

    If it takes a millionaire to determine a good book, then all the self publishers on this forum are wasting their time.
  9. InLikeFlint

    Looking to sell my popular Instagram account (200k followers soon), where to sell it other than Ebay

    The people that sit on Instagram and like pictures of luxurious cars/houses are typically the least likely to ever be in a position to purchase them. I'm sure there are exceptions, but the real go-getters are making it happen, while everyone else watches from the sidelines making up excuses...
  10. InLikeFlint

    Conquer Your Body

    Update: Weight: 165lbs Height: 6'0" Body Fat %: ~7-8% Bench: 205 Military: 155 Squat: 350 Deadlift (Hex): 435 Deadlift (Barbell): 390 Still hitting them gym at least 6 days a week and still using the 5/3/1 program.
  11. InLikeFlint

    Seed $$$$?

    When do you decide to prove this? So far you have shown zero business knowledge Because you refuse to listen to what we are saying. You are stubborn about how to get the money and want us to spoon feed you ideas tailored to your situation, which you ironically fail to share with us. There is a...
  12. InLikeFlint

    Seed $$$$?

    Not sure....just made it up.... Please don't think that you sound foolish because of the investment advisory's because you don't even have the decency or patience to use proper capitalization, punctuation, or sentence structure but then expect a wealth of advice in return. To top...
  13. InLikeFlint

    Seed $$$$?

    And the "ROI" he speaks of is all contingent on him being able to invest the money well hahahaha Why would they invest money in you to invest when they could just invest it themselves? They have far more experience and if it is a big firm they will have a crazy amount of leverage...
  14. InLikeFlint

    Seed $$$$?

    Let's not pretend that 99% of the people on shark tank aren't equally as helpless... I saw an episode where they asked for the income statistics for the past year and both of the guy's jaws dropped and they were if that isn't in the top 5 questions that are almost guaranteed...
  15. InLikeFlint

    Seed $$$$?

    This is what investors say when they have no interest whatsoever in investing - it's an easy way to 'let you down' and if your company ever becomes real and you go back, there is a good chance they will come up with another excuse. All investors will give you a reason to make you feel warm and...

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