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  1. Ready2bfamous

    Where can I pitch to get funding for a cause?

    I have a website that I want to create as a one stop shop to help people get the correct answers. I want to scale it up. The thing is, I am not charging or selling anything on the site. I am more trying to help put the information in one place. I want to scale it up, but my budget doesn't allow...
  2. Ready2bfamous

    I need Guidance

    Back when I was having issues. You can read about it here, at night I would go & devour all the information I could. I finally launched a website and I have it averaging about 2-3 dollars a day. It's in the Credit Repair Niche. I have diligently worked on it and everything is super unique & it...
  3. Ready2bfamous

    Interesting Feed about Google Engage, FREE adwords coupons

    I went through the Google Engage certification and I just came to the cool understanding that I now have a lot of FREE resources through them. I recommend anyone who does anything offline to jump in to this opportunity as you are not only helping others but you are giving yourself the upper...
  4. Ready2bfamous

    Time is money, right?

    My thoughts are that everyone's time is worth money. Whether its 10 minutes or 10 hours. I am looking to offer my services yet I won't be offering free services nor will I be trying to panhandle the potential clients. I am offering removal of negative information in Google, and other sites...
  5. Ready2bfamous

    My fastlane business idea

    Having just recently finished doing massive research into a niche that would be absolutely hungry for this project. I have decided to go ahead and march forward. The idea is in a market where others are looking to sell their domain names to end users. I polled 150 people who were in this niche...
  6. Ready2bfamous

    My business venture

    Being a marketing soul, I think I have figured a way around FB and all their changes to make FB pages to turn around and sell. When I was in my bad spot, I did a LOT of research about what people were looking to do. So sell FB pages that go viral and then set CPA campaigns with them? Sounds...
  7. Ready2bfamous

    In the span of 96 hours, my world turned literally upside down.

    Okay, I know they say failure is part of life but what about thinking someone was honest and a good person? Then they completely railroad you like none other to the point where you are homeless, broke, with no ID, or anything. 3 weeks ago, I was making decent money. Nothing to gawk at. I...
  8. Ready2bfamous

    Need some advice in regards to a venture

    I am a JV Manager for Hire. I can get affiliates out of the wazzu. I have recently came across a client who is wanting to utilize my services because he knows that I am really good at what I do. Why am I coming here to ask the question? I have requested money as far as the start up fees, such...
  9. Ready2bfamous

    I have my firbout it st broker deal on my own!

    Hey guys, I did a lot of brokering for my company but never on my own fort. I got my first gig to help a guy sell his online business. I am wondering how to go about it. I know the typical ways but anyone have any under the skirt thoughts or ideas? Just a bit nervous as it's pretty large...
  10. Ready2bfamous

    Is depressed and feeling a bit gloomy.

    I sold an online property, only to have the buyer back out because he got a better offer somewhere else. Why am I depressed? Well, I was relying on the funds to cover rent and general bills. Don't have a job, unfortunately. It was stupid to rely on the funds. Just thought I had it in the...
  11. Ready2bfamous

    I want to have an LLC.

    I want to file for a business but won't get a lawyer. I know I can do this myself, can anyone walk me through this? I would like to file in Nevada. Thanks in advance :)
  12. Ready2bfamous

    What would you do?

    One thing I love about being around people is that there is always someone in the same line of thought as you.. I have assets that I can't touch for another 3 months. There is this house that I want to buy. My assets would cover it but it's not three months yet. I don't think I am...
  13. Ready2bfamous

    Aspiring songwriter and goof..

    Hi. I was looking for resources to pump some lyrics and dreaming of the day I win an award at the Music Awards or something. i have lurked to see what type of forum you have going on here but after a week of this being in my faves. I decided to come grace you with my presence. <-- No ego here...

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