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  1. EPerceptions

    Credit Spread Math?

    For those of you familiar with credit spreads, I could use a little help. I can't seem to quite get my head around figuring profit and loss. Do you base your figures on the amount of risk/collateral, or the total spread? I *think* if I look at it like investing in inventory, I'd base everything...
  2. EPerceptions

    Anyone Familiar with CrateJoy?

    I'm looking in to turning one of my product lines into a subscription box and haven't dug up an answer yet so I'm checking here too. Does anyone know if there's a "do not duplicate" type setting for items included in each shipment? Let's say I'm selling strings. Instead of sending everyone a...
  3. EPerceptions

    Execution: Business vs. Brand

    I'm looking for opinions on whether a product line is (or should be) a brand or a separate business entity. I have a preference for IP assets. Royalty income from books and stock photos, domain name investing, software licensing, etc. Because of this, I consider my company to be a publishing...
  4. EPerceptions

    Feedback on Cover Design? (Adult Coloring Book)

    I cringe a little at posting WIP to public sites but I need objective, honest feedback please. If this were a book cover, what would your reaction to it be? Hate? Love? Meh? Details are immensely appreciated :) Thanks, Kathy
  5. EPerceptions

    2014 In Review

    This is something of a summary/review post to share some progress and missteps from throughout this past year. I started the year attempting to try a different direction with digital products, but quickly realized I was focusing more on something I wanted than what the market needed or wanted...
  6. EPerceptions

    Is Using Amazon FBA Risking Too Much Control?

    So I've been working hard on a new product line this year and for a variety of reasons, I decided to use Amazon's fulfillment services. While reviewing my highlights and notes from TMFL book, it occurred to me that I may be risking too much control with that decision. Some merchants who...
  7. EPerceptions

    Thoughts on this Execution?

    Brief Backstory: I was trying to sell pictures (stock photography). It wasn't going anywhere. Started reading TMFL book again and realized some hard truths. 1. I was trying to fit in "what I love" 2. I have nothing particularly new, different or outstanding to offer. 3. Trying to do it all...
  8. EPerceptions

    Promising Test Results

    One of my biggest pet peeves is that everything works. That means I just have to pick one and run with, but if I'm not careful I end up bouncing around. New case in point: I created a photo tutorial as I was making Christmas presents this past December and I published it as a small Kindle book...
  9. EPerceptions

    So They Whip Out Their Credit Card...

    And even proceed to fully complete the order in some cases... while seemingly oblivious to what they're actually paying for. I've recently decided to stop screwing around and start making massive forward movement. I'm selling stock photography. Several of my older background textures are photos...
  10. EPerceptions

    Thoughts on Social Media Set Up?

    To put it mildly, I'm not a fan of the manic world of social media. But I know first hand the power of word of mouth, so I'm biting the bullet and jumping in. But I need to figure out my approach. I've used facebook for family only, but I do have both a professional and a business page. Since I...
  11. EPerceptions

    Progress Thread: Stock Photography

    I haven't found any stickies or such that explain specific formats for this area so I'm not sure what all I should include (or not). After researching and brainstorming heavily all week though, I wanted to share a bit of my excitement :) Today I started massive execution. Results: --> I...
  12. EPerceptions

    Looking for a sanity check

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping one or more of you can help me sanity check my current course. To help it hopefully make sense, I'm going to start with a bit of background but try to keep it brief. I started my own business in 1997. First as a website designer and quickly evolving to include seo...
  13. EPerceptions

    Another Hello from Arizona

    Hello everyone, I'm Kathy. I've been reading MJ's book and browsing the forums for several days, so today I decided to sign up. I'm a bit older than many here (early 40's) and with the exception of an 18 month stint at a dotcom, I've been self-employed since 1997. I've made pretty much every...

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