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Your City, Your Destiny: How Your Environment Shapes Your Life Trajectory

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May 1, 2011
The Cook Islands has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. According to some sources, 90.9% of the population over the age of 15 is overweight. Yes, 90.9%! Only 9.1% of the population has healthy weight.

Now, that’s a cool fact but what are you supposed to do with it? Bear with me for a second…

One of the main reasons why I travel is to find a second home or a place to live year round. This year I’ve been traveling since January. I’ve stayed in 10 places across Australia, New Zealand, and the Cook Islands, ranging from a few days to three weeks.

Out of all the places I’ve visited so far (not only on this trip but in my entire life), the Sunshine Coast in Australia is my favorite. The casual laidback surfer vibe, the clean infrastructure, the availability of healthy, organic food, the variety of things to do from beaches to mountains, the perfect subtropical climate, the crazy fit people you see every day, and the overall niceness and friendliness are unique.

Granted, it comes at a very steep price as one of the most expensive places to live in Australia (an average nice house will cost you at least 1 million USD). But I’d argue it’s worth it.

This thread isn’t about the Sunshine Coast, though. Rather, it’s about the incredible impact of your environment on how you feel, what kind of people surround you, what you aspire to achieve, how healthy (or not) you are, and what kind of life you’ll end up living.

Despite traveling to well over 30 countries in my life (and hundreds of places), I’m still shocked how influenced I am by the environment in which I am, even if for just a few days.

In the Cook Islands, with obesity rates so ridiculous it sounds like BS, I wasn’t paying as much attention to my diet. According to local standards, I was one of the fittest guys there. Subconsciously, I decided I didn’t have to put in much effort.

But in the Sunshine Coast I felt like a weak, fat loser. And that felt good because I was surrounded by inspiring people who provided inspiration to do better. You can’t help but want to work out and eat better when you’re surrounded by ripped lifeguards and some of the fittest women I’ve ever seen in my life.

50 Cent once said:

You know what my grandfather told me? You’ll only get as far as the mother******s you talk to for no reason. You’ll be as successful as the mother******s you talk to for no reason. What I mean is if you're spending your day talking to a ni**a that has nothing going on, what the f*** kind of information can he offer you? Can he help you learn something, can he teach you something in the conversation?

Who are the MFs you talk to for no reason? What kind of an impact do they have on you?

During my trip, I’ve spent time in a variety of places. Countryside, remote villages, small towns, suburbs and big cosmopolitan cities.

In some, people were close-minded, lacked standards and didn’t care about any improvement. You felt unwelcome and wanted to leave.

In some, you could feel the ambition and energy of a place seemingly hanging in the air. You automatically wanted to do better.

In others, strangers greeted you smiling and you couldn’t help but become more easygoing and social. Because people were so nice, you were automatically friendly to everyone as well.

In others, people were so closed and unfriendly you quickly gave up being friendlier than necessary. You automatically kept to yourself and distrusted strangers.

Whether you’re an independent thinker not following the herd or not, the environment will still have an impact on you.

If your city is full of trash, potholed roads, crumbling infrastructure and unambitious people, your personal standards may reflect that, too.

If, on the other hand, you live in a clean, wealthy place with people who live epic lives, it’ll impel you to do better, too.

Of course, it’s not always possible to live in that nice area if you aren’t rich already. But if that’s impossible, you can still choose to be in that environment as often as you can, even if it’s just sipping some coffee in a café frequented by affluent patrons.

If you do have some money, I strongly encourage you to check out nicer areas and upgrade your life, even if just for a couple of weeks. The material things by themselves may not change your level of happiness much but the local atmosphere definitely can.

If there’s no such place where you live, I would heed @MJ DeMarco’s advice and pack your damn bags and move. You won’t understand how HUGE of an impact a place has on you until you’re in a place that’s much more aligned with your own values.
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Johnny boy

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May 9, 2017
Washington State
Probably one of the best posts on here that had me saying "yup" the whole way through.

After being to a bunch of new places, I've always thought..."If the average person is going to wake up, go to work, come home and relax, why the F*ck wouldn't they move here where it's always sunny, always a good time, and everyone is in a good mood? They would do the same thing they're doing now, just happier."

There's usually no good reason. It's simply because the idea never occurred to them. They can get a similar job anywhere, they can find similar npc friends anywhere, it's all replaceable!

Pretty close to being fully, fully location independent with the business. Will be spending my time in a few different places throughout the year once that happens.

I like the PNW in summertime. It feels perfect for a few months.
Mediterranean in fall/spring.
Winters skiing in Switzerland, or snorkeling in the Bahamas or whichever island I find myself on.
Spend the days waking up late and finding some trouble to get into.

In the back of my mind I've always known worst case I could make 4-5k a month online on that digital nomad shit and hangout in Thailand with no problems.

(insert 'yo momma' joke about how she lives on the cook islands)

MJ DeMarco

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Jul 23, 2007
My wife is from a small Midwestern town, the kind with one stop light and 2,000 people. She recently went back and saw many of her childhood friends and many were still there, most of them complaining about the state of affairs in the local area (no jobs, no opportunities, boring, etc.)

Moving can be the best decision of one's life ... yes, you bring you and your emotional issues, but it's easier to get sober when you leave the tavern.

I can't imagine living in one place for your brief existence on this planet ... what a waste.

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