Despite his poor vocabulary ("you know, x y z, you know that, ekhm... you know (...)") and poor video recording skills, he was right about this place.
Several months ago there was a guy who posted a 10 minutes video "Most of you'll never make it" telling people on this forum they'll never accomplish whatever they want to accomplish.
Your response was...?
"F*ck off" demonstration.
(Obviously the topic has been deleted as I cannot find it anywhere, hence I can't give you a link or name of the guy.)
MJ's statement that: "Being on this forum alone gives you ≈ 40% chances for succeeding" is very likely to be incorrect.
I'm so sorry for being an arrogant, self-righteous and foolish nineteen years old prick telling you, my older fellows, that you're probably not going to make it (how could I do that anyway?!) but this forum is not a place full of successful people and despite it might be a gold mine at the beginning, it isn't in the long term. Here's why:
Sorrow fills in my heart because till now I've met only one real person that is interested in doing something more with their life rather than progressing from one job to another as everyone else does etc, hence I found this forum very helpful because I could read something from people who've already made it or want to make it, but I'm afraid it's not working in the long term because of the points I have made.
Most of you WILL NEVER make it! And the guy posting that video was right!
Perhaps I'm wrong and I'm indeed too cocky... Nobody knows at this point.
Time will show who was right about it; was it me, 19 years old, naive, dumb, arrogant, inexperienced, ungrateful, irresponsible... yeah yeah yeah... Or people who are mostly action fakers and like to teach others about something they have absolutely no idea about.
I'm not trolling or calling for attention; I'm hoping that perhaps at least one person will do something more than listening to motivational movies called: "How much do you want success?" and starts doing something after reading this.
To not make it completely negative; I did find value in this forum. The reason I'm not going to come back is because the same pattern repeats over and over again hence I think it's not a place full of people like myself.
You are definitely more similar to me than everyone I know because once they're absorbed with The Idol or whether some female singer wore a black knickers on a concert 10 years ago, you're concerned about your own life. What differs however, is that you're not here because you're looking for people who wants to create value but because you want to make money; you want to create some value ONLY to make money, not because that's what you truly believe is a right thing to do. Most of you HAVE NOT meaning and purpose other than "being happy". What the heck does that even mean? Why nobody wants to... I don't know? Be fulfilled? Be remembered? Make every person they've met a better person?
Have I stayed here for longer you'd pull me down, and yeah, it's a fact. It already happened few times.
Only time will show who's right. It might be a good idea to leave this topic here so that after few years.... You know where I'm going, don't you
Thanks to all of you who are not like majority of this forum and keep it up. Although I'm not going to post here any longer (well, at least until it'll turn out I was right, perhaps after 10 years) my curiosity will bring me here few more times to read responses and see if this topic is still here.
Several months ago there was a guy who posted a 10 minutes video "Most of you'll never make it" telling people on this forum they'll never accomplish whatever they want to accomplish.
Your response was...?
"F*ck off" demonstration.
(Obviously the topic has been deleted as I cannot find it anywhere, hence I can't give you a link or name of the guy.)
MJ's statement that: "Being on this forum alone gives you ≈ 40% chances for succeeding" is very likely to be incorrect.
I'm so sorry for being an arrogant, self-righteous and foolish nineteen years old prick telling you, my older fellows, that you're probably not going to make it (how could I do that anyway?!) but this forum is not a place full of successful people and despite it might be a gold mine at the beginning, it isn't in the long term. Here's why:
- Once this guy had a business, most of people here still struggle with ideas or, oh gosh, spend most of their time writing about things they have no idea about, e.g; I haven't started my business yet (probably will never start anyway), but hey, let me post something on a Fastlane Forum about why people fail in businesses or five steps on how to be a millionaire,
- Most people here are so absorbed with so-called self development and other motivational crap that I cannot understand how is it possible for human being to fool themselves so much... All motivational stuff have one ultimate goal; confuse you to the point when you'll say to yourself: "I'm not ready yet", hence making you to buy and keep buying all those great courses on "fast reading", "motivation", "establishing new habits" etc. because you know, the guru said it's impossible to "be successful" without ability to read 150 pages of a hardback within one hour, ETC,
- Despite MJ's statement that this forum is not a place for people who: "likes to slay chicks" and he will instantly remove this kinda topics, they appear and stay on this forum anyway. Again, all this pick-up shit is another of those self called "gurus" rubbish which ultimate goal is to confuse you to the point where you'll sit on your a$$ reading some motivational crap and buying another product... So they can confuse you even further... And make you spend money on products made by gurus contradicting themselves till the end of your life,
- The bottom line of two previous points is "bro-marketing", and I think everyone here knows what this thing is,
- Action fakers everywhere; which links to the most of previous points,
- Despite this forum being based on two great books, people here still believe in scripted dogmas, hence stupid arguments about unimportant things,
- Tell me something; does searching for GIFs with: "WTF???!!!" and a guy with some stupid mimic in order to post it on a Fastlane Forum is what "successful people" do on daily basis? Please, don't get me wrong; I don't mind GIFs and a humour, but for F*ck sake, everything has it's limits!
Sorrow fills in my heart because till now I've met only one real person that is interested in doing something more with their life rather than progressing from one job to another as everyone else does etc, hence I found this forum very helpful because I could read something from people who've already made it or want to make it, but I'm afraid it's not working in the long term because of the points I have made.
Most of you WILL NEVER make it! And the guy posting that video was right!
Perhaps I'm wrong and I'm indeed too cocky... Nobody knows at this point.
Time will show who was right about it; was it me, 19 years old, naive, dumb, arrogant, inexperienced, ungrateful, irresponsible... yeah yeah yeah... Or people who are mostly action fakers and like to teach others about something they have absolutely no idea about.
I'm not trolling or calling for attention; I'm hoping that perhaps at least one person will do something more than listening to motivational movies called: "How much do you want success?" and starts doing something after reading this.
To not make it completely negative; I did find value in this forum. The reason I'm not going to come back is because the same pattern repeats over and over again hence I think it's not a place full of people like myself.
You are definitely more similar to me than everyone I know because once they're absorbed with The Idol or whether some female singer wore a black knickers on a concert 10 years ago, you're concerned about your own life. What differs however, is that you're not here because you're looking for people who wants to create value but because you want to make money; you want to create some value ONLY to make money, not because that's what you truly believe is a right thing to do. Most of you HAVE NOT meaning and purpose other than "being happy". What the heck does that even mean? Why nobody wants to... I don't know? Be fulfilled? Be remembered? Make every person they've met a better person?
Have I stayed here for longer you'd pull me down, and yeah, it's a fact. It already happened few times.
Only time will show who's right. It might be a good idea to leave this topic here so that after few years.... You know where I'm going, don't you

Thanks to all of you who are not like majority of this forum and keep it up. Although I'm not going to post here any longer (well, at least until it'll turn out I was right, perhaps after 10 years) my curiosity will bring me here few more times to read responses and see if this topic is still here.
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