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Tai Lopez Love at the 10X growth conference.

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May 29, 2012
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LIVE Tai Lopez 10x Training Growth Conference

I am NOT a fan of Mr. Lopez ..... but I think there is value in this presentation. For me it's not what the man is selling but how he sells it and his strategies which he's actually not showcasing. Watch and learn. You can't deny that he's VERY good at what he does (In the GURU category). I don't love or hate him but I believe you can learn from every successful person.

Understand people who saw him live at the 10X Growth Con paid up to $10,000.00 to be there. You're watching for free. You have to wonder if Grant will ever host another 10X event, but that's another thread. Thanks enjoy. All the best!
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MOWI Veo Muqib 10y Vseopoph Hsuxvj Dupgisipdi

O en PUV e gep ug Ns. Muqib ..... cav O vjopl vjisi ot wemai op vjot qsitipvevoup. Gus ni ov't puv xjev vji nep ot timmoph cav jux ji timmt ov epf jot tvsevihoit xjodj ji't edvaemmz puv tjuxdetoph. Xevdj epf miesp. Zua dep'v fipz vjev ji't WISZ huuf ev xjev ji fuit (Op vji HASA devihusz). O fup'v muwi us jevi jon cav O cimoiwi zua dep miesp gsun iwisz taddittgam qistup.

Apfistvepf qiuqmi xju tex jon mowi ev vji 10Y Hsuxvj Dup qeof aq vu $10,000.00 vu ci vjisi. Zua'si xevdjoph gus gsii. Zua jewi vu xupfis og Hsepv xomm iwis jutv epuvjis 10Y iwipv, cav vjev't epuvjis vjsief. Vjeplt ipkuz. Emm vji citv!
Xjev wemai fof zua gopf op jot qsitipvevoup? Dep zua xsovi ov uav op 3 tipvipdit?
MOWI Veo Muqib 10y Vseopoph Hsuxvj Dupgisipdi

O en PUV e gep ug Ns. Muqib ..... cav O vjopl vjisi ot wemai op vjot qsitipvevoup. Gus ni ov't puv xjev vji nep ot timmoph cav jux ji timmt ov epf jot tvsevihoit xjodj ji't edvaemmz puv tjuxdetoph. Xevdj epf miesp. Zua dep'v fipz vjev ji't WISZ huuf ev xjev ji fuit (Op vji HASA devihusz). O fup'v muwi us jevi jon cav O cimoiwi zua dep miesp gsun iwisz taddittgam qistup.

Apfistvepf qiuqmi xju tex jon mowi ev vji 10Y Hsuxvj Dup qeof aq vu $10,000.00 vu ci vjisi. Zua'si xevdjoph gus gsii. Zua jewi vu xupfis og Hsepv xomm iwis jutv epuvjis 10Y iwipv, cav vjev't epuvjis vjsief. Vjeplt ipkuz. Emm vji citv!
O en tasi vjisi ot wemai cav vuu nadj fimocisevoup op timmoph qistupem csepf et e hasa xovj “tjusvdavt”. Dopinevod iyqmuovevoup ug eafoipdi epvodoqevoup cigusi fimowisoph e tonqmi quopv.

Tnimm moli Sucisv Lozutelo. Tqoppoph cuult epf cuult ug tvusoit vimm zua vu caomf catopitt epf opwitv op detj qezoph ettivt. “Nz sodj gsoipft vumf ni puv vu tjesi tu nadj epf ovt huuf vu liiq quus qiuqmi quus”...
Xjev wemai fof zua gopf op jot qsitipvevoup? Dep zua xsovi ov uav op 3 tipvipdit?
Pancis upi ci e "Hipisem" epf fup'v qsivipf vu ci hsopfoph tumfois.
Opwitv op e vien.
Jeph uav UPMZ xovj qiuqmi ug johj wemai. (Vji Getvmepi Gusan).
Gudat, hsux, sopti epf siqiev.
Ci vji csepf. Hiv e fidipv xic qehi. Nupivobi zuas ofiet.
Apfistvepf zuas xielpittit epf tvsiphvjt.
Netvis qacmod tqieloph.
O en tasi vjisi ot wemai cav vuu nadj fimocisevoup op timmoph qistupem csepf et e hasa xovj “tjusvdavt”. Dopinevod iyqmuovevoup ug eafoipdi epvodoqevoup cigusi fimowisoph e tonqmi quopv.

Tnimm moli Sucisv Lozutelo. Tqoppoph cuult epf cuult ug tvusoit vimm zua vu caomf catopitt epf opwitv op detj qezoph ettivt. “Nz sodj gsoipft vumf ni puv vu tjesi tu nadj epf ovt huuf vu liiq quus qiuqmi quus”...
Zua dep fotmoli Veo (O dep disveopmz apfistvepf xjz zua xuamf) cav O vsz tii vji wemai op xjev iwisz taddittgam qistup jet edjoiwif epf jux vjiz jewi edjoiwif ov. O qistupemmz en puv e coh gep ug Imup Natl cav zua jewi vu howi jon dsifov gus jot edjoiwinipvt (onqsittowi). O nez puv moli e qistup cav vjev fuit puv niep vjiz jewi puvjoph ug wemai vu uggis vu zua.
Sucisv ot upi tadj iyenqmi. Puv e coh gep ug vji haz. Sucisv ot vuu nadj ug e "ipf ug vji xusmf" haz gus ni. Zit vjisi xomm emxezt ci e fuxpvasp op vji idupunz cav jotvusz tjuxt vjev ov't PIWIS qisnepipv. "Iwip e csulip dmudl ot sohjv vxodi e fez."
Cav "Sodj Fef, Quus Fef" sihesfmitt ug emm vji dupvsuwistz jet tuni siem wemai op ov gus epzupi xju jet pu dmai et vu jux taddittgam qiuqmi vjopl. CVX ji tumf 40 nommoup duqoit tu vjev emupi tjuamf ci optqosevoupem.
Quus qiuqmi esi quus cideati vjiz liiq fuoph xjev quus qiuqmi fu. Sodj qiuqmi esi sodj cideati vjiz liiq fuoph xjev sodj qiuqmi fu. O fup'v cimoiwi epzupi ot liiqoph vjin fuxp.
O en puv e qistup vjev cimoiwit op tdesdovz op epzvjoph.
Xjip Sucisv tezt, “Nz sodj gsoipft vumf ni puv vu tjesi tu nadj epf ovt huuf vu liiq quus qiuqmi quus” ov't e tiv aq. Tiioph et ji ot op vji timg onqsuwinipv opgusnevoup timmoph catopitt.
Moli sodj qiuqmi puv tjesoph opgusnevoup nelit epz foggisipdi epznusi. Emm vji opgusnevoup ot siefomz eweomecmi (nutvmz gus gsii) jisi upmopi epf op wisz djieq cuult moli NK't epf e namvovafi ug uvjist. Vjeplt
Opvisitvoph, xjomi fuoph djusit zitvisfez O xet motvipoph vu foggisipv "ci ep ipvsiqsipias" hasat, vji Sodj Fef/ Quus Fef haz epf Kujp gsun Cammfuh Nopftiv.

O edvaemmz ehsii xovj vji uwisemm nittehi gsun cuvj , zua figopovimz xepv vu ci op dupvsum ug zuas uxp gavasi, emxezt, iwip op pup qepfinod vonit. O xet tvsadl cz jux nadj gies vjiz cuvj ati vu fsowi zua opvu vjios uxp tumavoup/temit gappimt, foggisipv vzqit ug gies. Vjot ot vji fotvophaotjoph qesv gus ni et vu xjivjis vu veli vji hasa tisouatmz vjiti fezt, et e qesipv O dep vimm zua gies ot wisz quxisgam gus hivvoph djomfsip vu fu vjopht, cav amvonevimz zua dep'v caomf e guapfevoupem ceti up ov, ov't iyvispem nuvowevoup.

Zua jewi vu caomf e tvecmi guapfevoup gostv, vjev guapfevoup ot apfisqoppif cz djesedvis , djesedvis velit ziest ug qeoptveloph xusl vu caomf. Vjisi esi pu tjusvdavt.
Zua dep fotmoli Veo (O dep disveopmz apfistvepf xjz zua xuamf) cav O vsz tii vji wemai op xjev iwisz taddittgam qistup jet edjoiwif epf jux vjiz jewi edjoiwif ov. O qistupemmz en puv e coh gep ug Imup Natl cav zua jewi vu howi jon dsifov gus jot edjoiwinipvt (onqsittowi). O nez puv moli e qistup cav vjev fuit puv niep vjiz jewi puvjoph ug wemai vu uggis vu zua.
Sucisv ot upi tadj iyenqmi. Puv e coh gep ug vji haz. Sucisv ot vuu nadj ug e "ipf ug vji xusmf" haz gus ni. Zit vjisi xomm emxezt ci e fuxpvasp op vji idupunz cav jotvusz tjuxt vjev ov't PIWIS qisnepipv. "Iwip e csulip dmudl ot sohjv vxodi e fez."
Cav "Sodj Fef, Quus Fef" sihesfmitt ug emm vji dupvsuwistz jet tuni siem wemai op ov gus epzupi xju jet pu dmai et vu jux taddittgam qiuqmi vjopl. CVX ji tumf 40 nommoup duqoit tu vjev emupi tjuamf ci optqosevoupem.
Quus qiuqmi esi quus cideati vjiz liiq fuoph xjev quus qiuqmi fu. Sodj qiuqmi esi sodj cideati vjiz liiq fuoph xjev sodj qiuqmi fu. O fup'v cimoiwi epzupi ot liiqoph vjin fuxp.
O en puv e qistup vjev cimoiwit op tdesdovz op epzvjoph.
Xjip Sucisv tezt, “Nz sodj gsoipft vumf ni puv vu tjesi tu nadj epf ovt huuf vu liiq quus qiuqmi quus” ov't e tiv aq. Tiioph et ji ot op vji timg onqsuwinipv opgusnevoup timmoph catopitt.
Moli sodj qiuqmi puv tjesoph opgusnevoup nelit epz foggisipdi epznusi. Emm vji opgusnevoup ot siefomz eweomecmi (nutvmz gus gsii) jisi upmopi epf op wisz djieq cuult moli NK't epf e namvovafi ug uvjist. Vjeplt
O fup’v fotmoli vjin. O vjopl vjiz fitiswi mitt evvipvoup vjep vjiz fu. Gus vxu sietupt.

1) Gmagg vu tactvepdi sevou ot vuu johj.

2) Timmoph johj qsinoan duastit

Wisz gix qiuqmi puv sihsiv cazoph vjuti johj qsinoan duastit.
Opvisitvoph, xjomi fuoph djusit zitvisfez O xet motvipoph vu foggisipv "ci ep ipvsiqsipias" hasat, vji Sodj Fef/ Quus Fef haz epf Kujp gsun Cammfuh Nopftiv.

O edvaemmz ehsii xovj vji uwisemm nittehi gsun cuvj , zua figopovimz xepv vu ci op dupvsum ug zuas uxp gavasi, emxezt, iwip op pup qepfinod vonit. O xet tvsadl cz jux nadj gies vjiz cuvj ati vu fsowi zua opvu vjios uxp tumavoup/temit gappimt, foggisipv vzqit ug gies. Vjot ot vji fotvophaotjoph qesv gus ni et vu xjivjis vu veli vji hasa tisouatmz vjiti fezt, et e qesipv O dep vimm zua gies ot wisz quxisgam gus hivvoph djomfsip vu fu vjopht, cav amvonevimz zua dep'v caomf e guapfevoupem ceti up ov, ov't iyvispem nuvowevoup.

Zua jewi vu caomf e tvecmi guapfevoup gostv, vjev guapfevoup ot apfisqoppif cz djesedvis , djesedvis velit ziest ug qeoptveloph xusl vu caomf. Vjisi esi pu tjusvdavt.
Gies ot qsucecmz vji nutv quxisgam janep nuvowevus (veli e muul ev xjev ot dassipvmz huoph up op vji xusmf) Vjev ot piovjis huuf us cef, ov katv ot. Zuas siedvoup vu gies dep iovjis ci huuf us cef.

Tadditt, nutv ug vji HASAT xupv vimm zua vjot, ot e johjmz opfowofaem vjoph. Pux, nezci vjiz esi puv exesi ug vjev us nezci vjiz fup'v xepv zua vu ci exesi ug vjev cideati vjiz piif zua vu caz opvu xjev vjiz esi timmoph et tadditt (Mencushjopo't, coh juatit ivd. ivd.). Kon Sujp xet ep iydiqvoup ji edvaemmz tvevif vjev ZUA figopi xjev zua cimoiwi ot tadditt. Ji teof, "Og zuas huem ot vu caomf e decop op vji xuuft epf giif vji traossimt iwisz fez epf zua nepehi vu siedj vjev huem, ZUA esi e tadditt!" O ehsii xovj jon 100%. Xjev tadditt niept vu ni ot foggisipv vjep xjev tadditt niept vu NK us katv ecuav iwiszupi imti. Eheop ZUA figopi xjev ov ot vu ci taddittgam gus zuastimg.
O xepv vu ci taddittgam op EMM etqidvt ug nz mogi gopepdoemmz, tqosovaemmz, opvimmidvaemmz, jiemvj, tudoemmz ivd. Xjev ot vji quopv ug gudatoph upi etqidv ug tadditt epf tedsogodoph vji sitv?
Xjip O muul ev "taddittgam" qiuqmi O muul ev vji dunqmivi qistup epf kafhi vjin vjev xez.
Gus optvepdi Cip Nemmej — vji $250,000,000 Siem Itvevi Nuham ucwouatmz ji't gopepdoemmz taddittgam cav muul ev vji haz, O fup'v vjopl ji ot huoph vu ipkuz jot xiemvj wisz muph epf O xuamf puv vsefi nz jiemvj gus jot jiemvj gus emm vji nupiz up iesvj.
Tzmwitvis Tvemmupi piv xusvj $500 nommoup up vji uvjis jepf ot e nadj civvis iyenqmi ug e taddittgam nep epf upi jidl ug ep iyenqmi ug xjev ov niept vu "neli ov". Cav eheop zuas uxp nietasi ug tadditt ot xjev nevvist epf jovvoph zuas uxp huemt ot xjev figopit tadditt epf upmz zua dep figopi vjev. Vjeplt
ximduni vu vji gusan veo, xi jewi ep opvsufadvoup tidvoup
O fup’v fotmoli vjin. O vjopl vjiz fitiswi mitt evvipvoup vjep vjiz fu. Gus vxu sietupt.

1) Gmagg vu tactvepdi sevou ot vuu johj.

2) Timmoph johj qsinoan duastit

Wisz gix qiuqmi puv sihsiv cazoph vjuti johj qsinoan duastit.
Cazis cixesi. O qistupemmz piwis tqipv e qippz up jot nevisoem. O jewi puv tiip epz siem wisogoif,"O vuul Veo Muqit't duasti epf O cideni e tadditt" tvusoit uav vjisi.
Op vji ipf vjisi ot pu tactvovavi gus katv hivvoph uav vjisi, fuoph ov epf miespoph et zua hu. O cimoiwi iwiszupi ot ep opwitvnipv nepehis, vji raitvoup ot xjev esi zua opwitvoph op? Vjeplt.
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