Hello Fastlane enthusiasts.
Entrepreneurship is said to be full of opportunities. Whenever it comes to finding a niche one has to research carefully. For those about to start, MJ DeMarco has described a way to search for such an opportunity - it is looking for a shortage, a problem that has not been addressed yet and so.
Now I'm looking at the practical side of doing this - how do you look for a product demand? How do you evaluate which one is not there yet? What methods do you use to study the market? Examples and case studies are more than welcome.
Entrepreneurship is said to be full of opportunities. Whenever it comes to finding a niche one has to research carefully. For those about to start, MJ DeMarco has described a way to search for such an opportunity - it is looking for a shortage, a problem that has not been addressed yet and so.
Now I'm looking at the practical side of doing this - how do you look for a product demand? How do you evaluate which one is not there yet? What methods do you use to study the market? Examples and case studies are more than welcome.
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