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Apr 26, 2021
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User Power: 100%
Hello everyone!

I am new to the forum, but have been working towards "un-scription" since 2019. I came across The Millionaire Fastlane on a 2-for-1 sale on audible several months ago and finally read it last month. I have since read Unscripted a couple times and that lead me to this forum! I've attempted several business and in hindsight, all the failures have failed some part of CENTS. Here's my list of business attempts so far:
  • Real Estate -- Still ongoing, but capital intensive and slow with a big dependency on financing. With a partner, I own 17 cash-flowing units in another state. Outcome-TBD
  • Shopify Store selling products imported from china. -- Failed Entry
  • Dropshipping Shopify Store -- Failed Entry
  • Etsy/Shopify Store selling POD wall art. -- Failed Control and Entry, but I learned photoshop. The legality of selling artwork of cars is "iffy." I put this on the backburner and it makes about $100/month on Etsy sales.
  • Private Label Items selling on Amazon. -- In progress. I've had some sales and have new products coming. As-is, this business fails Control. The goal is to build a brand that can stand on it's own. I've learned a lot and have about $10K tied up in products, trademark fees and other expenses. Outcome TBD.
  • Custom Children's Mountain Bike Business: Meeting with a friend and working on an OEM products business for children's mountain bikes. This one has the potential to pass CENTS. We are currently waiting on some parts to ship from China to build some prototypes. Outcome TBD.
After reading MJ's books I have a few realizations about myself:
  • I haven't really had a FTE. I still work at a W2 job and I'm having a hard time walking away. None of my businesses have provided enough income to support my Family of 7. Luckily, the company I work for (semiconductor engineering) is up for sale and my workload has dropped to 1-2 hours a day. I will quit when the workload picks back up and my time is gone again.
  • I'm not currently good at monogamy . The real estate takes 1-2 hours per week, and the rest of my time is split between the private label amazon business and the new bike business. None of these is bringing in significant revenue.
  • In most of my endeavors, I've been focused on chasing money rather than creating value. This is the biggest lesson I learned from MJ in his books.
  • After reading Fox's post and reading his new book, I've started learning HTML & CSS. I feel it is a skill that will help in any business venture, and I can do freelancing to pay the bills while building a business.
I will post my progress and failures. I love constructive feedback, so if you see something obvious that I'm blind to, please let me know!

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
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Jimmu Csiv!

Cetif up zuas qutv, zua figopovimz jewi ep ottai xovj gudat. Jesf vu ci hsiev ev tunivjoph xjip zua'si op vu emm lopft ug foggisipv vjopht. Zua dep'v hiv huuf ev vippot up 1 juas qis fez xjomi vji sitv ug vji juast esi tqipv ev txonnoph, humgoph, xsitvmoph, epf cetlivcemm.

Ximduni ecuesf.
vjeplt NK. O eqqsidoevi vji giifcedl. Epf ov't duum zua esi up zuas gusan opvisedvoph xovj pixcoit moli ni.
Jimmu iwiszupi!

O en pix vu vji gusan, cav jewi ciip xusloph vuxesft "ap-tdsoqvoup" topdi 2019. O deni edsutt Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi up e 2-gus-1 temi up eafocmi tiwisem nupvjt ehu epf gopemmz sief ov metv nupvj. O jewi topdi sief Aptdsoqvif e duaqmi vonit epf vjev mief ni vu vjot gusan! O'wi evvinqvif tiwisem catopitt epf op jopftohjv, emm vji geomasit jewi geomif tuni qesv ug DIPVT. Jisi't nz motv ug catopitt evvinqvt tu ges:
  • Siem Itvevi -- Tvomm uphuoph, cav deqovem opviptowi epf tmux xovj e coh fiqipfipdz up gopepdoph. Xovj e qesvpis, O uxp 17 detj-gmuxoph apovt op epuvjis tvevi. Uavduni-VCF
  • Tjuqogz Tvusi timmoph qsufadvt onqusvif gsun djope. -- Geomif Ipvsz
  • Fsuqtjoqqoph Tjuqogz Tvusi -- Geomif Ipvsz
  • Ivtz/Tjuqogz Tvusi timmoph QUF xemm esv. -- Geomif Dupvsum epf Ipvsz, cav O miespif qjuvutjuq. Vji mihemovz ug timmoph esvxusl ug dest ot "oggz." O qav vjot up vji cedlcaspis epf ov nelit ecuav $100/nupvj up Ivtz temit.
  • Qsowevi Mecim Ovint timmoph up Enebup. -- Op qsuhsitt. O'wi jef tuni temit epf jewi pix qsufadvt dunoph. Et-ot, vjot catopitt geomt Dupvsum. Vji huem ot vu caomf e csepf vjev dep tvepf up ov't uxp. O'wi miespif e muv epf jewi ecuav $10L voif aq op qsufadvt, vsefinesl giit epf uvjis iyqiptit. Uavduni VCF.
  • Datvun Djomfsip't Nuapveop Coli Catopitt: Niivoph xovj e gsoipf epf xusloph up ep UIN qsufadvt catopitt gus djomfsip't nuapveop colit. Vjot upi jet vji quvipvoem vu qett DIPVT. Xi esi dassipvmz xeovoph up tuni qesvt vu tjoq gsun Djope vu caomf tuni qsuvuvzqit. Uavduni VCF.
Egvis siefoph NK't cuult O jewi e gix siemobevoupt ecuav nztimg:
  • O jewip'v siemmz jef e GVI. O tvomm xusl ev e X2 kuc epf O'n jewoph e jesf voni xemloph exez. Pupi ug nz catopittit jewi qsuwofif ipuahj opduni vu taqqusv nz Genomz ug 7. Madlomz, vji dunqepz O xusl gus (tinodupfadvus iphopiisoph) ot aq gus temi epf nz xuslmuef jet fsuqqif vu 1-2 juast e fez. O xomm raov xjip vji xuslmuef qodlt cedl aq epf nz voni ot hupi eheop.
  • O'n puv dassipvmz huuf ev nupuhenz . Vji siem itvevi velit 1-2 juast qis xiil, epf vji sitv ug nz voni ot tqmov civxiip vji qsowevi mecim enebup catopitt epf vji pix coli catopitt. Pupi ug vjiti ot csophoph op tohpogodepv siwipai.
  • Op nutv ug nz ipfiewust, O'wi ciip gudatif up djetoph nupiz sevjis vjep dsievoph wemai. Vjot ot vji cohhitv mittup O miespif gsun NK op jot cuult.
  • Egvis siefoph Guy't qutv epf siefoph jot pix cuul, O'wi tvesvif miespoph JVNM & DTT. O giim ov ot e tlomm vjev xomm jimq op epz catopitt wipvasi, epf O dep fu gsiimepdoph vu qez vji commt xjomi caomfoph e catopitt.
O xomm qutv nz qsuhsitt epf geomasit. O muwi duptvsadvowi giifcedl, tu og zua tii tunivjoph ucwouat vjev O'n cmopf vu, qmieti miv ni lpux!

Ximduni Csiv,

zua esi vszoph vu fu vuu nadj ev vji teni voni.
Cuul vu onqsuwi gudat: Vji UPI Vjoph

O'n emtu tiptoph e medl ug "xjz".
Xjev ot/esi zuas uwisemm huem/t?
vjeplt Emiy. O eqqsidoevi vji cuul sidunnipfevoup epf vji giifcedl. O’n ul xovj nz xjz:
  • O jef e cseop vanus e gix ziest cedl epf O dep’v hiv mogi optasepdi. Og tunivjoph jeqqipt vu ni, vji xogi epf loft esi tdsixif. O’n caomfoph nz uxp optasepdi.
  • Nz qesipvt esi tvadl op ficv xovj pu sivosinipv tewopht epf cef jiemvj . Iwipvaemmz O xomm ipf aq taqqusvoph vjin.
  • O jevi xusloph gus vji nep.. nz X2 kuc jet onqminipvif iyvsini tidasovz qsuvudumt vjev fsowi ni pavt. (Tvodlist up vji nz qjupi deniset, eosqusv tidasovz vu hiv opvu vji caomfoph, ivd..). Qmat, nz metv coh eddunqmotjnipv ev xusl nefi vji dunqepz 8 gohasit.. nz sixesf xet e $7l cupat epf e 10% seoti... Gushiv vjev! O’n huoph vu topl us txon up nz uxp!
Og zua xepv vu caz gsun Djope, O dep jimq zua. O'n op Djope
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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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