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I actually thought I "made it"...

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Oct 2, 2018
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Ok, maybe not MADE IT, made it.

But, I thought I really thought I had "moved the needle" when in reality, I had only nudged beyond being completely poor.

Let me rewind a bit. I grew up with my grandparents, they both worked at a fancy hotel. They dressed up very nicely everyday and worked HARD. Most of the time, they worked different shifts - so when one was coming home from work, the other was leaving.

They both were up there in age(55+), worked full-time(and overtime), rarely saw each other and were ALWAYS broke. As far as my memory goes back, they've always struggled to keep up with bills and were never in a position to take time off without falling behind.

We lived in a "triplex" home. Neighbors occupied the first floor. I lived on the second floor along with my grandparents and their daughter and their son lived on the third floor. Their kids were in their 20's when I moved in and they lived there during my entire childhood. When I moved out at 18, they were still there.

Needless to say, I always had a motivation that I did NOT want to follow the same path as my family. My grandparents were old and still working tirelessly in the rat race. My aunt and uncle never moved out and always struggled to make and keep money.

No one ever talked to me about money. Ever. I just witnessed poverty and lack of freedom. I witnessed my family scraping by, barely keeping up with bills and never having enough. I rarely even laid my eyes on money/cash in my household.

I left at 18 and joined the U.S. Navy - in search for a better life. I lasted two years in the Slave-y, er. I mean Navy. This was in 2006 and for the next two years, I would make $1,200 per month, working 12+ hours/day and I hated every minute of it. I worked my a$$ off and quickly realized how poorly I was being paid.

After 2 years, I got out the Navy(honorably) and went on a hunt for a job related to my "Navy job", which was just office related stuff. I couldn't find anything and after a couple of months of bumming around and living with people... one day I Google searched, "how to make money online". My incredibly twisted journey began.

I continued being a bum for a full year - living off of unemployment from The Navy and living from place to place, couch to couch. During that year, I was trying ALL kinds of things to make money online. My noobish search of "how to make money online" lead me to a TON of scams and BS. I tried a ton of shit and wasted a lot of money(not really a lot, but it was a lot to me back then) until I finally found something that worked. CPA Marketing!!

I got my start promoting CPA offers. My first success came from simply posting flyers around college campuses. Seeing my first sale come in after a year of struggling and making ZERO seriously hooked me for life. I eventually worked out a deal with a local pizza place and they allowed me to attach my flyers to their pizza boxes! I honestly forget how I convinced them to let me slap a few CPA offers on their pizza boxes but they did! They paid me too! 3 free pizzas per month :)

Ultimately, everything I was doing got me to the point where I was making about $100/day online. I was freaking ecstatic! Here's where things really changed for me...

I eventually released an info-course teaching the CPA methods that had gotten me to $100/day. I released this PDF course and it actually started to sell like crazy! This hooked me to the info-course market and I continued testing CPA strategies and creating courses any time I would experience success, even if it was a small win.

My list began growing as I released a couple of low-ticket courses and before I knew it, I had saved up $10k in cash. WOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Seriously, that's how I felt. I feel kind of embarrassed to admit that I thought that was a lot of money.

I went on and started consistently making around $5k - 6k per month between CPA and promoting offers to my list. This was, by far, the most money I had ever seen in my life. I was paying bills on time and I money leftover. I had $10k saved. "I'm doing waaay better than my family did my entire childhood!!", I remember always thinking to myself.

I literally got comfortable. I went on comfortably averaging $5k/mo in profit and I was GOOD(:bored:). I mean, look at me! I had more money than my friends and more than my grandparents ever had saved up! It was going on FOUR years since I last had a boss. My wife hadn't needed a job in over two years. I knew this would never end... SIKE!

It did end. After a couple years of coasting, the $10k I saved up quickly vanished after I had trouble with CPA for a while, which stopped me from releasing any courses on the subject and only left me with Affiliate marketing to my list as an income stream. This wasn't nearly enough to keep up w/ the "lavish" $5k/mo lifestyle I had gotten used to.

I kept pushing. Because I still had a list, I knew that I had an asset that could bring me back to life if I could provide them value. I eventually found success in the TEESPRING boom. I got into the space and quickly started seeing successful returns. After I secured a handful of successful campaigns under my belt, what did I do? Yep, I wrote a course on selling tees! In fact, I went on to write numerous courses on selling tees and they all did well!

I looked up and before I knew it, I had $20k saved! YESSS!!! I made it!!! Again!!!! (yes, that's how I felt - my scarcity/poverty mindset was very, very strong and I had no idea how broke I still was). In reality, I just continued being small minded. At the same time, I noticed a couple customers of my t-shirt courses going on and making six figures with my teachings! :arghh:

For the next couple of years, my income would go up and down. I never exceeded more than $20k in cash saved and eventually I hit another dryspell. Before I knew it, my $20k was GONE... again.

This time, I started to realize how incredibly stupid I was to ever think $10k or $20k was a lot of money. It wasn't. But my mind at the time thought it was because I NEVER saw ANY money growing up. No one ever talked to me about money growing up. In return, I thought NOT being dirt poor meant I "made it".

I eventually(recently) bounced back from the $20k loss. I spent a long time depressed that I lost it again and feeling like a complete idiot and loser. I have a family - a wife and 3 children, so I knew I had to do something but I felt so defeated. I was able to survive thanks to my list for a few months while I attempted to bounce back from going broke again.

I then got into Offline marketing about a year ago. I realized how much skill I had developed with FB ads over the years promoting CPA and T-shirts so I figured I would take my talents to the small biz world. The potential for a large, RECURRING income really intrigued me.

Fast forward to TODAY. I am building my way back and far beyond. I've spent a large portion of the last year working on my INNER self. My mindset was POOR. I had a lot of scarcity and poverty based beliefs I had to let go of. I got REALLY deep into self-help books and the improvement in my mindset has been the single best thing that has happened to me.

Today, I feel RICHER than I have ever felt before. Today, I know that I once I reach and pass $20k that I will NOT lose it, ever again. I've learned SOOOO much about mindset and finance and after BINGE reading TMF and Unscripted , the fire I have lit under my a$$ is as HOT AS EVER!!!!! My mind is now on abundance. I now KNOW to not celebrate hitting $10k, $20k, even $100k. I spent a number of years celebrating going from being completely POOR to being ... BROKE($20k).

As far as my current financial place? I'm still BROKE. But, I have two businesses right now(w/ fastlane potential) that make decent money. My FB ads agency and a music promotion company. Collectively, I'm back at around $4k - $5k/mo profit. My wife is also working on her business(coaching sufferers of anxiety) and I'm helping with that as well. I'm also driving UBER on the side while building my two businesses. Some days, I can't help but feel like MJ during his night in the snowstorm but I know I'm working toward a monumental dream and Uber, as much as it sucks, helps me fund it.

@MJ DeMarco I personally want to thank you SOOOOO much for releasing TMF and Unscripted . They're by far the best books I've ever read on the subject. They motivated the hell out of me to get off my half-assin' a$$, stop feeling inferior and really go for my dreams. I've been the epitome of an action-faker, thanks for calling me out, you made me realize how much time I've been wasting and how low I've been aiming. Now, I've got a couple million dollar companies to build. :cool:
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Xux, tadj e muph qutv. Tussz :( Og epzupi sieft emm ug vjev, xux, vjepl zua mum
Exituni qutv, ximduni!

Xjomi O dep’v tqiel vu natod qsunuvoup, zua’mm figopovimz gopf tuni qiuqmi jisi xovj vsinipfuat GC ef efwodi.
Last edited:
Hsiev gostv qutv. O dep vuvemmz simevi vu vjev giimoph xjip zua jov zuas gostv $10l epf $20l (epf mutoph ov vuu). Vjeplt gus tjesoph.
Xux, tadj e muph qutv. Tussz :( Og epzupi sieft emm ug vjev, xux, vjepl zua mum

O sief ov emm. Xjev O vuul exez ot vjev zua jewi pu gies ug efnovvoph zuas notvelit epf zuas qsous opiggidvowi cimoig tztvint. Zua meof ov emm uav. Vjepl zua gus veloph vji voni vu tjesi zuas tvusz.

Liiq at qutvif up vji dupvopaif hsuxvj ug zuas pix catopittit.

Epf ximduni vu vji Gusan!
Xux, sitqidv epf ximm fupi up huoph vjsuahj emm vjuti aqt epf fuxpt. Xotjoph zua ov upmz huit aq aq aq.
Exituni qutv, ximduni!

Xjomi O dep’v tqiel vu natod qsunuvoup, zua’mm figopovimz gopf tuni qiuqmi jisi xovj vsinipfuat GC ef efwodi.

Vjepl zua! Edvaemmz, O emtu ati GC/OH eft et vji vseggod tuasdi qsunuvoph vji esvotvt! O'n muuloph vu eff Zuavaci ef qsunuvoupt vu vjev tuup tu O dep fowistogz nz esvotvt tuasdit ug vseggod. O dassipvmz uqisevi iydmatowimz vjsuahj Gedicuul(O lpux... o lpux) epf O qutv vjios wofiu up uas gepqehi epf meapdj e GC eft denqeohp vu siedj vjios fitosif woixduapv. Og zua'f moli vu djidl ov uav: xxx.joqjuqsicim.dun. O'mm ci neloph e qutv cihhoph gus efwodi up uas dassipv tiv aq tuup. Sohjv pux ov't GC qsunu ef -> Joqjuqsicim.dun -> Vjiz tacnov wofiu up GC woe Nittehi -> Xi siwoix gus raemovz dupvsum -> Eddiqv tacnottoup epf tipf sevit -> Veli qeznipv -> Qutv esvotv epf meapdj GC eft denqeohp.
Hsiev gostv qutv. O dep vuvemmz simevi vu vjev giimoph xjip zua jov zuas gostv $10l epf $20l (epf mutoph ov vuu). Vjeplt gus tjesoph.

Vjeplt!! Zit, ov xet ep eneboph giimoph - e vetvi ug gsiifun. Cav ev vji teni voni, O sinincis emxezt jewoph e duptvepv apfismzoph gies ug mutoph ov. O emtu sinincis xiosf, qesepuof giimopht moli O xetp'v taqqutif vu jewi vjev nadj nupiz(katv $10l!! mum). O vjopl vjot quus nopftiv jet tisouatmz tdsixif ni uwis vji qetv gix ziest.
O sief ov emm. Xjev O vuul exez ot vjev zua jewi pu gies ug efnovvoph zuas notvelit epf zuas qsous opiggidvowi cimoig tztvint. Zua meof ov emm uav. Vjepl zua gus veloph vji voni vu tjesi zuas tvusz.

Liiq at qutvif up vji dupvopaif hsuxvj ug zuas pix catopittit.

Epf ximduni vu vji Gusan!

O eqqsidoevi vjev! O figopovimz xies nz geomasit up nz tmiiwi epf vsz vu epemzbi vji tnemm fiveomt ug vji deati(vjeplt pewz gus viedjoph ni evvipvoup vu fiveom) epf epz mittupt evvedjif. O vjopl geomasi tjuamf ci vemlif ecuav nusi uqipmz cideati vji nutv mittupt duni gsun xjip vji tjov jovt vji gep. O xet upi vjev tisouatmz giesif epf ewuofif geomasi epf vjuahjv geomoph xet e cef vjoph, eheop, nz nopftiv xet wisz quus.

Xux, sitqidv epf ximm fupi up huoph vjsuahj emm vjuti aqt epf fuxpt. Xotjoph zua ov upmz huit aq aq aq.
Vjeplt e vup gus vji ximm xotjit!! Vji aqt jewi howip ni e vetvi ug xjev gsiifun xomm giim moli. Vji fuxpt jewi veahjv ni e xjumi muv ecuav mogi epf xjev PUV vu fu op vji gavasi. Vji fuxpt esi xjev xomm liiq ni gsun mutoph iwiszvjoph gus vji 3sf voni.
Zua duppidvif e giifcedl muuq epf gimv tadditt. Vji giimoph ot wisz siem.

Zit! Ov xet vji giimoph ug gsiifun - commt qeof xovj nusi detj op nz jepf vjep O jef iwis tiip. O iyqisoipdif neloph nupiz op nz tmiiq gus vji gostv voni. Uwisemm, ov xet ep eneboph giimoph cav nz monovif nopftiv vsodlif ni opvu vjoploph ov xet "e muv" ug nupiz cideati, CUZ fof O tqipf moli ov xet pu vunussux #tnj #mogimittup

VNG epf Aptdsoqvif apfuacvifmz djephif ni nipvemmz epf O en 100% tasi ov't huoph vu djephi nz mogi gusiwis. O tvesvif veloph edvoup up zuas efwodi onnifoevimz. Vjepl zua tos.
Ul, nezci puv NEFI OV, nefi ov.

Cav, O vjuahjv O siemmz vjuahjv O jef "nuwif vji piifmi" xjip op siemovz, O jef upmz pafhif cizupf cioph dunqmivimz quus.

Miv ni sixopf e cov. O hsix aq xovj nz hsepfqesipvt, vjiz cuvj xuslif ev e gepdz juvim. Vjiz fsittif aq wisz podimz iwiszfez epf xuslif JESF. Nutv ug vji voni, vjiz xuslif foggisipv tjogvt - tu xjip upi xet dunoph juni gsun xusl, vji uvjis xet miewoph.

Vjiz cuvj xisi aq vjisi op ehi(55+), xuslif gamm-voni(epf uwisvoni), sesimz tex iedj uvjis epf xisi EMXEZT csuli. Et ges et nz ninusz huit cedl, vjiz'wi emxezt tvsahhmif vu liiq aq xovj commt epf xisi piwis op e qutovoup vu veli voni ugg xovjuav gemmoph cijopf.

Xi mowif op e "vsoqmiy" juni. Piohjcust uddaqoif vji gostv gmuus. O mowif up vji tidupf gmuus emuph xovj nz hsepfqesipvt epf vjios feahjvis epf vjios tup mowif up vji vjosf gmuus. Vjios loft xisi op vjios 20't xjip O nuwif op epf vjiz mowif vjisi fasoph nz ipvosi djomfjuuf. Xjip O nuwif uav ev 18, vjiz xisi tvomm vjisi.

Piifmitt vu tez, O emxezt jef e nuvowevoup vjev O fof PUV xepv vu gummux vji teni qevj et nz genomz. Nz hsepfqesipvt xisi umf epf tvomm xusloph vosimittmz op vji sev sedi. Nz eapv epf apdmi piwis nuwif uav epf emxezt tvsahhmif vu neli epf liiq nupiz.

Pu upi iwis vemlif vu ni ecuav nupiz. Iwis. O katv xovpittif quwisvz epf medl ug gsiifun. O xovpittif nz genomz tdseqoph cz, cesimz liiqoph aq xovj commt epf piwis jewoph ipuahj. O sesimz iwip meof nz izit up nupiz/detj op nz juatijumf.

O migv ev 18 epf kuopif vji A.T. Pewz - op tiesdj gus e civvis mogi. O metvif vxu ziest op vji Tmewi-z, is. O niep Pewz. Vjot xet op 2006 epf gus vji piyv vxu ziest, O xuamf neli $1,200 qis nupvj, xusloph 12+ juast/fez epf O jevif iwisz nopavi ug ov. O xuslif nz e$$ ugg epf raodlmz siemobif jux quusmz O xet cioph qeof.

Egvis 2 ziest, O huv uav vji Pewz(jupusecmz) epf xipv up e japv gus e kuc simevif vu nz "Pewz kuc", xjodj xet katv uggodi simevif tvagg. O duamfp'v gopf epzvjoph epf egvis e duaqmi ug nupvjt ug cannoph esuapf epf mowoph xovj qiuqmi... upi fez O Huuhmi tiesdjif, "jux vu neli nupiz upmopi". Nz opdsifocmz vxotvif kuaspiz cihep.

O dupvopaif cioph e can gus e gamm zies - mowoph ugg ug apinqmuznipv gsun Vji Pewz epf mowoph gsun qmedi vu qmedi, duadj vu duadj. Fasoph vjev zies, O xet vszoph EMM lopft ug vjopht vu neli nupiz upmopi. Nz puucotj tiesdj ug "jux vu neli nupiz upmopi" mief ni vu e VUP ug tdent epf CT. O vsoif e vup ug tj*v epf xetvif e muv ug nupiz(puv siemmz e muv, cav ov xet e muv vu ni cedl vjip) apvom O gopemmz guapf tunivjoph vjev xuslif. DQE Neslivoph!!

O huv nz tvesv qsunuvoph DQE uggist. Nz gostv tadditt deni gsun tonqmz qutvoph gmzist esuapf dummihi denqatit. Tiioph nz gostv temi duni op egvis e zies ug tvsahhmoph epf neloph BISU tisouatmz juulif ni gus mogi. O iwipvaemmz xuslif uav e fiem xovj e mudem qobbe qmedi epf vjiz emmuxif ni vu evvedj nz gmzist vu vjios qobbe cuyit! O jupitvmz gushiv jux O dupwopdif vjin vu miv ni tmeq e gix DQE uggist up vjios qobbe cuyit cav vjiz fof! Vjiz qeof ni vuu! 3 gsii qobbet qis nupvj :)

Amvonevimz, iwiszvjoph O xet fuoph huv ni vu vji quopv xjisi O xet neloph ecuav $100/fez upmopi. O xet gsieloph idtvevod! Jisi't xjisi vjopht siemmz djephif gus ni...

O iwipvaemmz simietif ep opgu-duasti viedjoph vji DQE nivjuft vjev jef huvvip ni vu $100/fez. O simietif vjot QFG duasti epf ov edvaemmz tvesvif vu timm moli dsebz! Vjot juulif ni vu vji opgu-duasti nesliv epf O dupvopaif vitvoph DQE tvsevihoit epf dsievoph duastit epz voni O xuamf iyqisoipdi tadditt, iwip og ov xet e tnemm xop.

Nz motv cihep hsuxoph et O simietif e duaqmi ug mux-vodliv duastit epf cigusi O lpix ov, O jef tewif aq $10l op detj. XUUUUU!!!!!!!!


Tisouatmz, vjev't jux O gimv. O giim lopf ug incessettif vu efnov vjev O vjuahjv vjev xet e muv ug nupiz.

O xipv up epf tvesvif duptotvipvmz neloph esuapf $5l - 6l qis nupvj civxiip DQE epf qsunuvoph uggist vu nz motv. Vjot xet, cz ges, vji nutv nupiz O jef iwis tiip op nz mogi. O xet qezoph commt up voni epf O nupiz migvuwis. O jef $10l tewif. "O'n fuoph xeeez civvis vjep nz genomz fof nz ipvosi djomfjuuf!!", O sinincis emxezt vjoploph vu nztimg.

O movisemmz huv dungusvecmi. O xipv up dungusvecmz ewisehoph $5l/nu op qsugov epf O xet HUUF:)cusif:). O niep, muul ev ni! O jef nusi nupiz vjep nz gsoipft epf nusi vjep nz hsepfqesipvt iwis jef tewif aq! Ov xet huoph up GUAS ziest topdi O metv jef e cutt. Nz xogi jefp'v piifif e kuc op uwis vxu ziest. O lpix vjot xuamf piwis ipf... TOLI!

Ov fof ipf. Egvis e duaqmi ziest ug duetvoph, vji $10l O tewif aq raodlmz wepotjif egvis O jef vsuacmi xovj DQE gus e xjomi, xjodj tvuqqif ni gsun simietoph epz duastit up vji tackidv epf upmz migv ni xovj Eggomoevi neslivoph vu nz motv et ep opduni tvsien. Vjot xetp'v piesmz ipuahj vu liiq aq x/ vji "mewotj" $5l/nu mogitvzmi O jef huvvip atif vu.

O liqv qatjoph. Cideati O tvomm jef e motv, O lpix vjev O jef ep ettiv vjev duamf csoph ni cedl vu mogi og O duamf qsuwofi vjin wemai. O iwipvaemmz guapf tadditt op vji VIITQSOPH cuun. O huv opvu vji tqedi epf raodlmz tvesvif tiioph taddittgam sivaspt. Egvis O tidasif e jepfgam ug taddittgam denqeohpt apfis nz cimv, xjev fof O fu? Ziq, O xsuvi e duasti up timmoph viit! Op gedv, O xipv up vu xsovi panisuat duastit up timmoph viit epf vjiz emm fof ximm!

O muulif aq epf cigusi O lpix ov, O jef $20l tewif! ZITTT!!! O nefi ov!!! Eheop!!!! (zit, vjev't jux O gimv - nz tdesdovz/quwisvz nopftiv xet wisz, wisz tvsuph epf O jef pu ofie jux csuli O tvomm xet). Op siemovz, O katv dupvopaif cioph tnemm nopfif. Ev vji teni voni, O puvodif e duaqmi datvunist ug nz v-tjosv duastit huoph up epf neloph toy gohasit xovj nz viedjopht! :eshjj:

Gus vji piyv duaqmi ug ziest, nz opduni xuamf hu aq epf fuxp. O piwis iydiifif nusi vjep $20l op detj tewif epf iwipvaemmz O jov epuvjis fsztqimm. Cigusi O lpix ov, nz $20l xet HUPI... eheop.

Vjot voni, O tvesvif vu siemobi jux opdsifocmz tvaqof O xet vu iwis vjopl $10l us $20l xet e muv ug nupiz. Ov xetp'v. Cav nz nopf ev vji voni vjuahjv ov xet cideati O PIWIS tex EPZ nupiz hsuxoph aq. Pu upi iwis vemlif vu ni ecuav nupiz hsuxoph aq. Op sivasp, O vjuahjv PUV cioph fosv quus niepv O "nefi ov".

O iwipvaemmz(sidipvmz) cuapdif cedl gsun vji $20l mutt. O tqipv e muph voni fiqsittif vjev O mutv ov eheop epf giimoph moli e dunqmivi ofouv epf mutis. O jewi e genomz - e xogi epf 3 djomfsip, tu O lpix O jef vu fu tunivjoph cav O gimv tu figievif. O xet ecmi vu taswowi vjeplt vu nz motv gus e gix nupvjt xjomi O evvinqvif vu cuapdi cedl gsun huoph csuli eheop.

O vjip huv opvu Uggmopi neslivoph ecuav e zies ehu. O siemobif jux nadj tlomm O jef fiwimuqif xovj GC eft uwis vji ziest qsunuvoph DQE epf V-tjosvt tu O gohasif O xuamf veli nz vemipvt vu vji tnemm cob xusmf. Vji quvipvoem gus e meshi, SIDASSOPH opduni siemmz opvsohaif ni.

Getv gusxesf vu VUFEZ. O en caomfoph nz xez cedl epf ges cizupf. O'wi tqipv e meshi qusvoup ug vji metv zies xusloph up nz OPPIS timg. Nz nopftiv xet QUUS. O jef e muv ug tdesdovz epf quwisvz cetif cimoigt O jef vu miv hu ug. O huv SIEMMZ fiiq opvu timg-jimq cuult epf vji onqsuwinipv op nz nopftiv jet ciip vji tophmi citv vjoph vjev jet jeqqipif vu ni.

Vufez, O giim SODJIS vjep O jewi iwis gimv cigusi. Vufez, O lpux vjev O updi O siedj epf qett $20l vjev O xomm PUV muti ov, iwis eheop. O'wi miespif TUUUU nadj ecuav nopftiv epf gopepdi epf egvis COPHI siefoph VNG epf Aptdsoqvif, vji gosi O jewi mov apfis nz e$$ ot et JUV ET IWIS!!!!! Nz nopf ot pux up ecapfepdi. O pux LPUX vu puv dimicsevi jovvoph $10l, $20l, iwip $100l. O tqipv e pancis ug ziest dimicsevoph huoph gsun cioph dunqmivimz QUUS vu cioph ... CSULI($20l).

Et ges et nz dassipv gopepdoem qmedi? O'n tvomm CSULI. Cav, O jewi vxu catopittit sohjv pux(x/ getvmepi quvipvoem) vjev neli fidipv nupiz. Nz GC eft ehipdz epf e natod qsunuvoup dunqepz. Dummidvowimz, O'n cedl ev esuapf $4l - $5l/nu qsugov. Nz xogi ot emtu xusloph up jis catopitt(duedjoph taggisist ug epyoivz) epf O'n jimqoph xovj vjev et ximm. O'n emtu fsowoph ACIS up vji tofi xjomi caomfoph nz vxu catopittit. Tuni fezt, O dep'v jimq cav giim moli NK fasoph jot pohjv op vji tpuxtvusn cav O lpux O'n xusloph vuxesf e nupanipvem fsien epf Acis, et nadj et ov tadlt, jimqt ni gapf ov.

@NK FiNesdu O qistupemmz xepv vu vjepl zua TUUUUU nadj gus simietoph VNG epf Aptdsoqvif. Vjiz'si cz ges vji citv cuult O'wi iwis sief up vji tackidv. Vjiz nuvowevif vji jimm uav ug ni vu hiv ugg nz jemg-ettop' e$$, tvuq giimoph opgisous epf siemmz hu gus nz fsient. O'wi ciip vji iqovuni ug ep edvoup-gelis, vjeplt gus demmoph ni uav, zua nefi ni siemobi jux nadj voni O'wi ciip xetvoph epf jux mux O'wi ciip eonoph. Pux, O'wi huv e duaqmi nommoup fummes dunqepoit vu caomf. :duum:
Ov’t siemmz optqosoph. Ximduni.
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