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Fan of Jim Rohn? What About His Mentor Earl Shoaff?

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May 23, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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I don't know how many here are fans of Jim Rohn. I can count myself as one of them. It's a shame that he passed away in 2010. I found out about his mentor, Earl Shoaff the other day and found a transcript of one of his speeches that he gave to a MLM group (I think). Anyways, not all of what he says is logical, but I did like how he tells people they need to get clear on their goals and what they want. Otherwise, you'll never be able to achieve them. It seems a bit "Law of Attraction" (I know MJ is not a fan), but I think generally it's a pretty decent bit of motivation.

Let me know what you think..

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I just want to take a few moments and cover some things that have assisted me in acquiring things in my life. I know that few people are aware of these basic fundamental laws that operate in this world of ours. Some people are aware of them; some people are not aware of them, but they are using them. And sometimes we wonder why certain things happen to us, we acquire certain things and then over a period of time it seems like we live in stagnation. Nothing happens; nothing takes place; everything seems to be at a standstill.

There are basic laws in this universe that we are governed by and will work for you if you know how to apply them. And I would like to cover a couple of these laws that will assist you in knowing why these things happen. For an example, everybody is aware of the law of gravitation. Now, we don't know how it works, but we know it works. It works for everybody. It doesn't matter whether you are a saint or whether you are the opposite of a saint. If you jumped off a 20-story building and you are a saint and you land on a concrete sidewalk, you are going to be an unhealthy saint. If you happen to be a crook and you do the same thing, the same thing happens to you. So basically, it doesn't matter if you are good or bad--if you use the law of gravity wrong you are going to suffer. The law of electricity works for all of us. If we use it properly, we can light our homes by screwing a light bulb into a socket.

If we stick our finger into it, then we get bit. You're going to get burned. We can burn your house down with electricity or you can light your home with it. You can cook with it. You can use refrigeration--all the great things that electricity will do for us! You do not have to be an electrical-minded person. You don't have to be a genius to do it. A child three years old can push a button and turn the lights on. And one of the greatest electrical engineers in the world, all he can do when he pushes that button is that he can turn the lights on, too. So basically, it does not matter. It will work for you. We have laws to success. We have laws of poverty. We have laws of lack, laws of prosperity. We have laws of hate. We have laws of love.

We have laws of peace. All of these are basic laws. If we use them rightfully, wonderful things will happen to us. If we use them wrong, then we get ourselves in trouble. Now, one of the things that has always bothered me, in all the books I've ever read on setting goals in life, positive thinking, positive goals in life--many of you have probably read some of the books--you follow these different steps, rules, laws, that if we set 10 goals we end up with 2. We lose out on 8. So it is not like the law of gravity seemingly, because it doesn't work every time. And one of the reasons it does not work every time, is that we do not use the right law. We are using part of the law, and so the law of averages will give you a percentage of your goals. That is all. You say, "Gee, wasn't that great? It happened to me." But whatever happened to all the other goals you had in life? I'm going to lay down a simple basic way and you can have anything material you want to have and you can be anything you want to be, and it's a simple basic situation. There's absolutely no problem to it. These are scientific things that work every time if you will do it in a simple way.

Now, the first thing we want to become aware of is we want to be like farmers. We are going to plant seeds, and these seeds that we plant are the seeds that we're going to reap. Now we're all aware that if we plant a seed of tomatoes, we are not going to get cucumbers--we're going to get tomatoes. If you plant a watermelon seed, you're not going to get grapefruit. You're not going to get radishes. If you want radishes, folks, you're going to have to plant radish seeds. And when you plant a seed in the earth, you must plant it properly. If you do not plant it properly, you will not have the harvest. One of the major problems in our country today for the average person is they take the time and the effort to buy all the harvesting equipment, but they do not understand the planting and the cultivating.

We want to reap harvest, but we do not want to take the time to plant, and we do not want to take the time to cultivate. Now the planting of the seeds in the earth is basically and absolutely the same process that you use in the mental world. We are born with a conscious mind and a sub-conscious mind. We are the only animal in the kingdom that have both the conscious and the sub-conscious mind--a mind that can decide anytime in life where we want to go or what we want or what we don't want. We can decide with this accomplished mind of ours if we want to do a thing or if we don't want to do a thing. We can decide if we want to ear or if we don't want to eat. We can decide if we want a drink, or if we don't want a drink. We can decide what we want in life in a home, in an automobile, in the clothes we wear, anything that we want in this world--any type of furniture, any type of a home, any type of an anything.

We decide at anytime. Now, where most people are making mistakes is that they simply set their goals down. Now, what are your goals? Write them down. A fellow says, I want a house, a car, some furniture, I want some money. And this is the way they set their goals. Now he has a whole group of seeds, let's say apple seeds. We had 50 different types of apple seeds, and we just grabbed any of those seeds and we throw them in the ground and they come up and they're green apples. I wanted red ones. That's because you picked any type of an apple seed. You didn't describe it. So we must learn to define.

Now, you've heard of the word "visualizing". You have to learn to visualize things. And when you visualize something, this is the thing that's going to come in your life, if the visualization is strong enough. Now we're always visualizing things in our life, but the tendency is to visualize negative situations. Now the reason that we're visualizing negative situations in our life is because, let's not kid ourselves, we're living in a negative world. So if I say, "Joe, how are you feeling today?" And he says, "Good, fine." And I ask him the next day how he feels, and he says, "I feel terrible. I've got a pain in my stomach and I ache all over." And he goes into a...you'd think he was an actor. He can describe a negative situation in his body so wonderfully. But when he feels good, he just says, "Fine." How come people, when they feel fine, they don't say, "I feel great; I feel wonderful; I feel so great that I expect all the wonderful things in the world to happen to me today!"?

In other words, have a little feeling when you talk about the good things in life. I say, "How are you doing in business?" You say, "Fine." Now if he has a bad day, he says when I ask him about his day, "Lousy, let me tell you this is a...I'm just having a terrible time. Did you read that article the other day? It took me several hours to find it; it was on the back page down at the bottom in fine print, but I located it."

People love negative things. They seem to vibrate with them. For some strange reason, they don't want things that are negative in their life, but they keep insisting on talking about them. And they can paint the most beautiful picture of lost and lack. I say by the way, "Internal..." and everybody immediately starts shaking..."combustion." A guy says, "You know what I thought you were going to say?" And he starts creating pictures and he says, by the way, I wonder about last year, what I did with that...I wonder if they'll find that...and immediately he says, I can see the guy coming in the door now...I wonder when he'll be here...I wonder what he'll look like... and he gets beautiful pictures, and the next thing you know, the guy is knocking on his door. He created the picture and he brought it into his life. And the funny thing about creating things, folks: we are creators. Nothing comes to us.

Everything comes through us from us. Everything in this world that happens to us comes from here, not out here. And everything that you have in your life is exactly what you designed, the dress you're wearing, the coat you're wearing, the tie you're wearing, the necklace you're wearing, the home you're living in, the neighbors you've got, the friends you've got and the Senators you've got. So don't blame me for people that you attracted! When you signed this person up, you're the guy that coached them in. You didn't care who it was as long as he came in. And pretty soon, you helped plenty of them and you say, "You know what, Shoaff? I've got a lousy bunch of distributors."

Well, when you understand these laws, you won't tell me these things. I'm not talking about you, or you--I wouldn't dare. There's too many here. What I am saying is that everything we attract is what we are, and what I am speaks so loudly I can't hear what you say. And what you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say. So everything you say is the thing that you created. So be careful what you create. Be careful. It's hard to visualize a thing. Let's try something, folks. Let's visualize a 707, shall we? What's a 707 look like? I've only been in one a couple of times. I've only seen one in the air once. It's hard to visualize one. You want to visualize an automobile, or a stole? I don't know why I keep saying "stole."

My wife must be visualizing a stole. I keep getting that feeling...every time we come to New York. You see, we have to learn how to describe things. Now I'm going to go through a description of a thing because this is very important in your life, folks. Please try to remember what I'm saying. You can change your life that quick. You can have everything wonderful in your life; you can have everything wonderful happening to you, if you use these few basic little things. Now I'm going to describe a thing--an automobile. I'll talk about an automobile because an automobile is easy to describe, and people can comprehend it very quickly and very easily. I'm not going to talk about a Chevrolet; I'm going to talk about a Cadillac. Anytime I'm talking about a Cadillac, folks, I'm not describing the Cadillac per se; I'm talking about a Cadillac idea--the Cadillac idea in the clothing, in the home and the things you really desire deep within you. And I'm not talking about something that you say. "Well, I've got to have money to buy a Cadillac." I'm not talking about money. It's not necessary that you have money to have a Cadillac. There are many wonderful things that can happen to you. These things can come to you from many unusual sources. Many wonderful things can happen to you.

If you believe in the thing I'm talking about, your income can be doubled, tripled, quadrupled. The one thing that I had in my mind that I had defined in my mind was a red Cadillac convertible. I never had owned a Cadillac in my life. Now you probably don't want a red Cadillac. I wanted one, and I defined that thing right down to the socks, and the end result was I had me a red Cadillac convertible, and my income increased to a point where it cost me nothing. This is visualizing. This is a positive attitude toward the things you want.

Too many people stop their dreams because they start thinking about that thing that is not necessary in order to have it. I say to somebody, "Do you want a new Cadillac?" You say, "I want one, but I can't afford it." I say, "It has nothing to do with affording. I just want to know what you really want." Most people are afraid to define what they want in life. They're afraid it's going to cost them something. Well if you're making $1,000 a month right now, and you double your income to $2,000 per month, you can have a Cadillac, you can have two Cadillacs, you can have five Cadillacs. Don't worry about the income-- I'm just talking about the principle now. The Cadillac--what do you do about it? I'll say, "Pete, what would you like to have?" He says, "A Cadillac." Now don't forget folks, I'm going to give it to him--I'm going to give it to him. He has nothing to worry about--no money, no nothing. I say, "Pete, what do you want?" He says, "A Cadillac." I say, "Fine, Pete."

Now this is where people make their mistakes. I say, "I've got a nice 1936 beat-up model downstairs. I'll give it to you." He says, "I don't want a 1936 model Cadillac." I said, "You just told me you wanted a Cadillac." He says, "I want a '62 Cadillac." I said, "Why didn't you tell me, Pete? Why didn't you tell me?" This is the way people set their dreams. He doesn't just want a Cadillac. Do you want an orange or a green one? He says, "I want a red one." Now he's starting to define. And you know it's very difficult to define up here in your mind. The first thing you do is you get a piece of paper folks, and you start defining on a piece of paper. A 1962 Cadillac, a red Cadillac, a convertible--I'm just describing one car now. You can have any kind of car you want--a red Cadillac, 1962 convertible with a white top, red/white upholstery, a red floor, white wall tires, electric windows, a/c unit. The guy says, "How much does that cost?" I say, "Don't worry bout it--you're going to get it for nothing." The guy says, "I'll take it, then." Now he says, "I'm going to put everything down then." That's right--describe it right down to the tee.

And when he gets all through, the perfect visualization is up here now because he has described it. When you write it, you start seeing it. He gets the picture up here by writing it down here. This is how you define things that you want in this world. When he gets that Cadillac completely defined in his mind, he's got the seed. He hasn't planted it yet. He's got it picked out. Now the important thing is that you must release that seed. You must release it and it must be planted. And the perfect thing in the world to plant that seed is to take this piece of paper now and write the concept, "Thank you". That's the law of acceptance. And you would be amazed how many people in this world can't accept their goods. You would be shocked. "Thank you" means you have accepted it. "I'm going to have it. I know it's mine." Then you take and you fold this piece of paper up with this goal on it, with this dream, with this desire and you put it away--put it underneath a tablecloth some place, put it in a drawer some place. Don't carry it around and don't take it out and look at it anymore. When you do this, that is planting it in the subconscious mind.

You've accepted--you've put it into the subconscious mind, and the thing starts to work. Now when you put this thing away, the reason you put it away after you have defined it: the seed has been planted in the subconscious mind. You put it away some place, never to be looked at again. The reason for it is like planting a seed in the earth, folks. If you go and dig that seed up two or three times a day to look at it, nothing's going to happen. If you've never seen a lack of faith--it's the farmer who had the gullibility to dig up the seed to see if it was growing yet. Now that is little faith. He really believes in the laws of growth, and that's the same way with us human beings. This is the way we're making our mistakes. When we plant in the subconscious mind, and it's there, the dream is there. The dream starts working towards you, the Cadillac starts working towards you, and events start taking place out here, and the next thing you know it's getting closer and closer to you. Now if you take it out, and you start to look at it, the thing that happens is we say, "I wonder where it's coming from." This is a true showing of a lack of faith. "I wonder when it's coming. I wonder how it's coming." And so you are putting doubt in your law, and it will not come, folks. It will not come to you. Now, what's going to happen to the seed that you planted in the subconscious mind: you'll be driving down the street, you'll be in a restaurant talking to a friend and all of a sudden, there's a red Cadillac convertible with a white top and the whole thing will hit you again and you'll see your dream. And it'll keep coming back.

The reason it'll keep coming back to you is this is the only way that the universal law has of talking to you. There's no voice--it's all in visualization. And when this dream comes up, what it really means is that's it's on its way to you. It is on its way to you--it's right around the corner. And so you do not at that time say, "How, when or where." All you do is say, "Thank you" because you know it's on its way. And then immediately put it back out of your mind. And how would you act if you really and truly wanted a red Cadillac convertible--if you really and truly wanted one and it was a strong desire in your life, and you knew it was on its way, how would you act? You'd be excited, wouldn't you? You'd feel good--you'd say, "Man it's almost here, it's almost here." You'd walk taller, you'd look taller. You'd be happier. You'd be full of positive. You'd act different. Wonderful things are going to happen to you.

Where does the positive attitude come in at? It automatically creates a positive attitude because it's the law of expectancy. Good things are going to happen. You have planted your seeds properly, and they are working themselves to you, and you are automatically a positive person because all these wonderful things are going to happen. Don't just have one seed planted, folks--plant many seeds--any great desire you have in your life--a tangible object or intangible object. You can have anything in this world you want to have and you can be anything in this world you want to be by using this simple process. There is absolutely no way you can keep success from your door, if you will just follow this basic, simple little process that I just described. This is the law of life, and every one of you people have worked this process. Maybe you weren't completely aware of how you worked it.

But think about it--that's why you only get 3 out of 8 things, or 1 out of 8 or 1 out of 10, because you didn't know exactly the process you were using. Now you know the process, so you can deal with anything in this world. Children--our children, folks. How many times have you heard people say to their children when the child says, "I'm going to be President of The United States," and the father and mother will say to them, "You? With your studies, you'll never make it, Junior." Now this is a wonderful seed to plant in that fertile little brain. The subconscious is putting in the mind--telling him he can't; he's not smart enough.

The child says, "I'm going to be a rich man when I grow up. I'm going to have everything in this world." You say, "You? You're going to have to learn a lot, junior. You don't know how to handle money. You've got to learn how to use that ol' elbow grease." Anybody who's ever used much elbow grease, if he's ever made millions, I'll assure you the elbow grease is up here. Now, what do you want to tell Junior? Anytime any children come to you or to their parents, you should tell your children, "Junior, you're the type of child who can have anything in this world. You have the ability and the intelligence to go anywhere, do anything and have everything in this world.

It is yours because you're that type of a child. Start planting these seeds in our children. This country today is teaching too many children, too many children, what to think instead of how to think. And what are we? We are only children a little older than the other children. We are grown-up children, and we have to at some time in life, we have to start deciding and pinpointing things that we want in this world. And I'm not just talking about the tangible objects. I'm talking about intangible things. What would you like to be? What type of person would you like to be? Would you like to have more love in your life? Well then, you must learn to give love. You'll never have anything without giving. Everything I have I receive back, multiplied. If I have a lot of hate in my life, I'm giving a lot of hate out.

And so if I don't want hate coming in my life, I shouldn't be giving it out. If I don't want people to talk about me, I shouldn't be talking about people. Everything that I send out, I get back with feeling. Every thought I think I don't get, because I didn't plant my seed properly--I did not have a true visualization. How many of you ladies have thought of a beautiful dress or a beautiful something that you don't have. How many would love to have a mink stole? A few years ago, if my wife even mentioned a mink stole, the first thing that would come in my mind was, "Where are you going to get it from? How are you going to pay for it?" I did not understand these things. When you just say, "mink stole," do you know what?

I never was aware that there was so many mink stoles in this country--every kind of every price and color and designs and everything else, and if you don't even know the exact kind you want, how do you know if you can ever expect to have it? Do you know the amazing thing? The average person in this world, and I'm only saying this because we are the average people of the world, and I say average because I am talking to an intelligent group of people. I'm not talking to people way down the ladder. I'm talking to a group of intelligent people. And I'm saying this, and you analyze this yourself. Ask yourself this basic question. Do you know what you want in life? If I were to ask you right now, "What do you really want? What is a tangible object that you want in this world--things you can feel and touch and smell?

What are the things you want in life?" And you know, folks, the amazing thing--I doubt if there's 2% of the people in this room who can tell me and describe it, and just like that come right out and say it. So, what is success in your life? What is it that you want? Define it. Write it down. Pinpoint every drop of that dream that you have in your mind. Define it so clearly on that piece of paper that you can completely see it in your mind. And when you get it written down, write "thank you" on it and plant that seed and put it away, and it will start to materialize and it will start coming into your life. That is anything folks, anything.

Now a guy says, "I'm going to put down The Statler Hotel." You know why it wouldn't work for him? I'm not saying it won't work for the fellow, but I am saying that it won't work for the average person. Do you know why? He couldn't even imagine getting it. He can write it down. He can define it, and he can put "thank you" on it, but he can never plant the seed. And the reason he can't is because he couldn't even imagine getting The Statler Hotel, that's why. And don't forget, this is something you have to accept--you're going to have it, folks. I told people about a Cadillac, average people working on average jobs. I said, "Do you want a Cadillac?" The guys said, "No, no, I don't want no Cadillac." I said, "Well, why don't you want a Cadillac?" He said, "For one thing, it cost so much to operate them." You see, he doesn't want one--he isn't ready for that step yet.

Now see, he steps from one car to another to another. He raises his consciousness, until pretty soon, he can buy Cadillacs like the average person buys a pair of shoes. And you can grow; you can grow in your thinking. People say, "Boy, you got to be careful about people--they'll take you in if you're not careful." They get such a wonderful visualization--they're always getting taken in. So you see how we build these pictures in our mind? People will spend the morning; they're going to get ready for a wonderful day.

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Vunussux nuspoph, xi'si hivvoph siefz gus e xupfisgam fez; xi'si huoph uav epf ov't huoph vu ci vji nutv iydiqvoupem fez xi'wi iwis jef op uas ipvosi mowit. O teof, "Jux esi zua huoph vu tvesv vji nuspoph? Iyedvmz xjev esi zua huoph vu fu?" Ji tezt, "Ximm, vji gostv vjoph O'n huoph vu fu ot hu uav up vji qusdj." Ji't huoph vjsuahj jot nuspoph pux--ji't huoph vu hu uav up jot qusdj epf hiv jot pixtqeqis epf sief e movvmi cov ecuav qutovowi vjoploph op vji jiefmopit.

Epf og ji dep'v gopf ov vjisi, ji'mm muul epf muul epf muul epf muul apvom ji gopft tunivjoph vjev ot siemmz huuf epf pihevowi epf vjip ji'mm vimm jot xogi epf fitdsoci ov, epf ji tezt, "Haitt xjev O guapf op vji qeqis?" Epf ji tvesvt vimmoph jis ecuav tuni xupfisgam fowusdi vjev't velip qmedi op vji qeqis epf vji loft dunnovvif taodofi, epf ji'mm hu up xovj vjot epf ji'mm tez, "Katv onehopi vjev, onehopi vjev!" Epf ji'mm fitdsoci ov, epf vji pihevowovz xomm hiv tvesvif epf vji xogi xomm hiv pihevowi epf ji xomm hiv nusi pihevowi epf xjip ji hivt emm vjsuahj xovj csielgetv pux, ji't op tadj e petvz nuuf vjev ji fuitp'v iwip moli jot fuh! Epf ji't huoph uav vu gedi vji xusmf xovj e qutovowi evvovafi. Fu zua tii jux sofodamuat ov ot gumlt--tuni ug vji sofodamuat vjopht xi fu op mogi epf xi xupfis xjz tadditt fuitp'v emxezt duni vu at op vji qsuqusvoup xi'f moli vu jewi ov duni vu at? Iyqidv xupfisgam vjopht. Ci e dsievus ug ofiet. Miv't puv ci nuupt, vji sigmidvus ug ofiet.

Miv't ci tapt, miv't ci vji dsievus ug vji mohjv; miv't ci vji dsievus ug vji ofiet, cideati xi emm jewi e deqedovz--vjev haesfoep ug vji hevi, et vji duptdouat nopf. Vjot haesfoep dep ev epz voni miv epz vjuahjv vjsuahj vu vji tacduptdouat nopf ov xepvt--epz vjuahjv ev epz voni. Xi esi vjoploph janep ciopht. Xi jewi vji deqedovz vu vjopl ug epzvjoph, epzvjoph op vjot xusmf xi dep vjopl ug, cav xi fu puv jewi vji deqedovz vu vjopl ug puvjoph. Pux zua vsz vu onehopi xjev puvjoph ot. Vsz vu hiv e vjuahjv ug vjev--vjisi ot ectumavimz pu xez. Tu vjev niept xi esi vjoploph janep ciopht epf vjisi esi vjuahjvt gmzoph vjsuahj uas nopf dupvopauatmz--e tviefz gmux ug vjuahjvt emm vji voni dunoph vjsuahj vji nopf.

Pux xjisi fu vjiti vjuahjvt duni gsun? Emm ug e taffip, zua tez, "Hii, vjev vjuahjv natv jewi duni uav ug vji dmies cmai tlz." Zua fofp'v vjopl ug ov, epf ov nohjv jewi ciip tunivjoph zua fofp'v iwip lpux ecuav. Epf vji vjuahjv dunit vjsuahj epf zua tez, "Ximm, vjev't lopf ug sofodamuat, otp'v ov? Vjev duamfp'v jeqqip vu ni." Epf tu zua vjsux vjev vjuahjv etofi. Epf og ov't e huuf vjuahjv, xjz puv eddiqv ov? Tvuq epf epemzbi ov epf eddiqv ov. Epf miv vjin jeqqip vu zua. Epf vjiti uckidvt duni vjsuahj vu zua emm vji voni. E pihevowi vjuahjv dunit vjsuahj epf zua tez, "Cuz, vjev't e huuf epf pihevowi vjuahjv epf zua tvesv vjoploph ecuav ov epf qsivvz tuup zua hiv e gsuxp up zuas gedi epf zua vjopl ecuav ov e movvmi cov nusi epf zua dsievi e cieavogam qodvasi epf emm ug e taffip zua qav vjev fuxp op vji tacduptdouat epf zua vjopl, "Cuz, vjisi't epuvjis cef vjoph vjev't huoph vu jeqqip vu ni."

Jewi zua iwis deahjv zuastimg vjoploph ecuav tunivjoph zua fofp'v xepv vu vjopl ecuav epf zua'wi ciip vjoploph ecuav ov gus 5 nopavit epf emm ug e taffip zua vjopl, "Xjev en O vjoploph ecuav vjev petvz vjoph gus?" Xi fu ov; xi fu ov emm vji voni, gumlt. Cav xi dep tvuq pux, epz voni xi xepv, epf xi dep djephi vjev vjuahjv epf xi dep qav op e huuf vjuahjv. Og zua fup'v xepv vu vjopl ecuav usephit, djephi vji vjuahjv epf vjopl ecuav cepepet, og zua xepv. Og zua fup'v xepv vu vjopl ecuav medl, djephi vji vjuahjv epf vjopl ecuav qsutqisovz. Og zua fup'v xepv vu vjopl ecuav jevi, vjopl ecuav muwi. Og zua fup'v xepv vu vjopl ug epzvjoph pihevowi, qav e qutovowi ofie op zuas jief. Zua lpux xjev jeqqipt, zua dep epemzbi epf zua dep katv fsien ecuav ov epf iwiszvjoph imti, epf hiv emm vjiti tiift qmepvif qsuqismz epf jewi emm vjiti xupfisgam vjopht jeqqip. Hiv vxipvz xupfisgam tiift qmepvif, hiv vjin xsovvip fuxp. Figopi. Vjepl zua. Qmepv vjin opvu vji tacduptdouat nopf.

Qav ov exez, epf iwisz voni ov dunit cedl opvu vji tacduptdouat nopf epf vji mex tezoph ov't up ovt xez, zua katv tez "Vjepl zua". Fup'v epemzbi ov cideati ov't emsiefz qmepvif. Katv tez "Vjepl zua" epf hu up. Jewi vip, gogviip, vxipvz, vjosvz ug vjiti xupfisgam tiift qmepvif epf gumlt, zua'mm xeml up eos. Zua'mm jewi nosedmit jeqqip op zuas mogi. Epf fup'v ci egseof vu fu vjot. Zuas xogi otp'v op jesnupz xovj vji xupfisgam vjopht zua xepv vu jeqqip vu zua; ximm, og vji jatcepf otp'v op jesnupz us og vji djomfsip esi puv, us zuas gsoipft esip'v, zua fup'v jewi vu tjux vjin. Qmepv zuas tiift qsowevimz vjip, epf qav vjin exez qsowevimz epf qmepv vjin fiiq epf emm vjiti xupfisgam vjopht xomm jeqqip epf zua'mm tez, "Zua lpux, upi vjoph ecuav vjev qistup, O fup'v lpux xjev jeqqipif vu jon, cav nep uj nep, iwiszvjoph vjiz vuadj vaspt vu humf. Epf vjev't vji sietup. Vjev't vji sietup, gumlt--vji qsuqis qmepvoph ug zuas tiift. Ov xet e siem qmietasi cioph jisi xovj zua. Vjepl zua wisz nadj.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
O moli vu jies Kon Sujp tqiel. Ov fuitp'v fu vji teni vjoph gus ni vu sief ov vjuahj. O jewi jiesf ug Ns. Sujp nipvoupoph Iesm Tjueg tiwisem vonit. O jef puv sief jot tvagg vjuahj. Xuamf zua qmieti qav tunivjoph op vji qutv vjev vimmt at xjisi zua huv ov? e dovevoup?

Ejin, Ns. Sujp fof puv qett op 2010, ji migv at Fid. 5, 2009. Vji gedv vjev zua fofp'v lpux us cuvjis vu muul ov aq lopfe jasvt zuas dsifocomovz xjip zua tez zua esi e gep.
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